Recession Alert: How 2 Years Killed The Economy

Market Crash. Crypto Crash. Stock Market Crash.
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Question… How long can you buy the dip for? If you started buying the dip 8 months ago and it’s still dipping… There’s got to be a different term for that.

While gas prices are climbing… distracting everyone.. crypto and stocks are falling apart. Will Markets Keep Crashing? How does this end? To answer that, let’s go back to the start of the issue: the pandemic.

This well help us better understand why crypto, stocks, and NFTs keep crashing, and what the future may look like for these markets.

Market Crash
Crypto Crash
Stock Market
Buy the Dip

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What do you think?


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  1. so uh, who do you think that "big player" is that needs to fall before things get better? How big of a player we talking? Another crypto lending service? A gigantic corporation? An entire country? If it is a country, reaaally hope it isn't the US.

  2. Great channel and highly informative video. Investing now is the best decision anyone can make towards securing financial freedom. But I recommend working with a professional to avoid incurring any loss

  3. I like to buy when things are cheap or discounted. They're getting cheaper everyday in the market, hence I'll keep buying on the way down, at the bottom and back up again. Currently prices are going up everywhere else and I'm not buying. I'm only buying food and gas because I have to, the rest is taking advantage of this down market which could drop another 10-15% but no one knows. "Buy when there is blood in the streets, even if it is some of your own."

  4. At some point people (let's say the 70% or more) have to switch from "catching all the falling knives" to "need cash for necessities". Related question: How much do you think the following is contributing to "the everything crash" –

    -1) Someone(s) big money have now successfully infiltrated Bitcoin (cryptocurrency is a misnomer imo so I'll just use the top market cap coin for best example) and somehow literally pegged it intraday to the S&P futures (I know everyone says it's pegged to the QQQ but the securities within each are redundant and I suspect it's just a media cover); 2) With all the redundant "lend/earn/stake" protocols (isn't FTX, Pionex and others kind of run by the same folks?) IS IT POSSIBLE that all the "yield" we are earning is collectively being used as a borrowing fee to "short everything"?; 3) Do you think that if/when "the economy" (my economy measures wages not keeping up with ability to buy necessities, including "buying the privilege to be a wage slave" (somewhat ironically) hits HODLers hard enough that those in a position to will finally say "F it" and move their assets into cold storage/unable to be fucked with and manipulated by the "big macro money"? In other words, might there come a tipping point when enough people literally take their Bitcoin off exchanges? This should in turn make the value rise–but compared to what?

    The SEC here has done a shittastic job with thwarting their own U.S. residents from earning even meager yield (and the Federal Reserve has fucked our bank/savings interest earn yield). Unless of course you are already a $200,000/year earner or net worth over $1 Million. I understand currency wars and real wars may be part of the world's near future until the world reserve currency is either completely revamped and/or we may finally see Bitcoin (with Lightning network) as finally upending this bullshit. The big money holding the biggest bags are unloading right now. The poorest countries have already said "fuck it all". Proper understanding of the huge difference between Bitcoin and "everything else" are key to exiting the "sheeple being led to slaughter" line that most are in.

  5. Im so glad you posted this video. It let me know that while you're def a smart guy, you really don't have an understanding of what "killed" the economy. The last 2 years have been bad, but it's not just the last 2 years that got us here. The last 2 years are not even close to being the prime move towards our present situation. It's all far more complicated than that. Again, youre a very smart guy and I wish you all the sucess in the world, but this video makes you look very silly. That's not a lable I believe you deserve, but this video is a huge misstep. "Im not an economist"…… I at least appreciate that disclaimer. Good luck to you.

  6. Democrats run the biggest states outside of Texas, no surprise those were the states that ultimately screwed the economy. But people will keep voting blue so we’re all screwed.

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