5 Keys To Outsourcing – How To Find & Hire The Best Virtual Teamamtes, Everytime!

Hiring and outsourcing are great ways to grow your output, but the process is difficult. With these 5 keys you’ll know exactly how to find the right virtual assistant for your job at the right price.

Before you jump in and start outsourcing projects and hiring virtual assistants, you need to make sure you are being strategic about growing your virtual team…

This post will help you do just that: https://www.milesbeckler.com/strategic-outsourcing/

My preferred platform for outsourcing is : https://www.milesbeckler.com/va

In a previous video I shared more about my organization chart and the specific virtual assistants and virtual teammate I’ve hired plus a few of my biggest mistakes I’ve made during the hiring process…

You can see that video here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVFkvLrQmRo

For more about the different outsourcing websites where you can hire virtual assistants, watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02JbjUhT20o

This video reveals the five keys to outsourcing. Specifically. You’re going to get my five main tips or my five main strategies I use to find the right people at the right price for my job. So whether you’re hiring a virtual assistant, a customer support person, a developer, it doesn’t matter. These are relevant every time. And I’ve personally been on a little bit of a hiring binge. I’ve hired many new people. I’ve got a bunch of job listings open right now and I figured I’d share with you kind of the specifics, right? So you can bring on the right people. Number one test different hiring platforms there for a while I was very kind of um, all in on one platform. I had great success with Upwork many years ago actually when it was called oDesk. So before they got bought out and changed over.

Um, today I’m getting a much higher quality teammate coming in at a much better price from other platforms. One of the key platforms that I use is online jobs dot P H a I am an affiliate of theirs. The link is down below. So if you want to use that, if you’re hiring, I appreciate it. But either way it’s important to just check the different ecosystems against each other because here’s what’s going on. And on Upwork specifically when you get in a closed loop system, the prices for the actual services can really become competitive within that one closed system. But when you go look at a different system, you can find a much different price. Same idea is true in local markets. So the San Francisco job market for hiring for a content marketer is going to have a much different price than Tulsa, Oklahoma, K and I’m looking for the Tulsa Oklahoma price, proverbially speaking, not the highest price in the world, which Upwork seems to be bringing me some intense prices.

So on one specific job I put it on Upwork and online jobs pH. So I’m testing these two platforms against each other. I got $70 to $125 applicants on Upwork and I’ve got well qualified applicants in the seven to $10 per hour range.

So definitely test different platforms. So there’s other ones, like the freelancers of the world, rent a coders, right? Depending on what you’re doing, do a little bit of searching on what the best platform is for the job that you like. If you’re looking at writers and you want a native English writer, uh, online jobs.ph might not be the right other platform to test, but maybe it’s, I writer would be a great one for you to test in that scenario.

Number two, be specific and realistic. Okay. So I want to talk about the realistic part first. A lot of times people will get into outsourcing and they’re like, cool, I’m going to find a virtual assistant who can write my blog posts. They can customize my WordPress, they can run my Facebook ads, they can do my dishes, they can do absolutely everything for me. Um, they’re human means just like you and me.

Someone who knows how to customize WordPress, uh, templates and themes and who can be kind of your designer and developer in that world, they’ve probably spent the better portion of their professional life doing just that. Whereas someone who is an expert writer, they’re expert at crafting the written word at copy editing at proofreading. They’ve probably dedicated most of their life to that craft.
Great. Neither can a virtual assistant, right? So it’s important to keep that in mind and you want to really hire specifically. So that’s the other side of this coin, right? So when you’re hiring for one specific task, allow it to be for that one specific task. Don’t expect to find a customer service representative who’s also going to have the WordPress skills, who can also manage your, your social media. There’s a really good chance you could take a great customer service representative and teach them how to manage your social media, but to expect them to understand PHP code or CSS code or or theme customization, um, that’s just outside of the box.


What do you think?


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  1. That's how I feel right now, overwhelmed with tasks as a VA, a lot of people that hire a VA think that one VA can do everything but no, you need a team of them that work on specific tasks, not a bunch of tasks at once. And I see some hiring processes and questionnaires and I wonder, can one VA really do all those tasks listed in the job description, like 12 or different tasks?

  2. Awesome tips. I especially love the video tip. 🙏🏽

    Question- what countries do you recommend hiring from and for what? Generally, I’ve been hiring from the Philippines for graphic work and India for web dev work. Any other countries you’d recommend?

    Also- what’s generally a fair rate?

    Thanks in advanced!

  3. Even videos of yours I don't watch, I still click on and give a thumbs up to. That's how much value you give. Don't worry, I fast forward the video to the end so you still get the cred for the full play 🙂

  4. Miles, I would love a video on just what specific tasks you give a VA when starting. How much can you give them before you should start getting more team members for specific tasks?

  5. Miles… You have a wonderful ability to break things down to their basic components and explain/teach them. Critical thought is so valuable and I'm sure it serves you well. Great job!

  6. miles! I have a random question… for affiliate marketing can I be a sole proprietor and get a EIN? or would you suggest I just use my SSN? I will greatly appreciate any feedback. Love your content!

  7. Hi miles, nice video. I've recently watched your videos about Facebook ads and they were very interesting to me.

    However, I have a question for you.
    How do you manage to grow your email list using paid advertising when you're promoting mainly affiliate offers and you still don't have your own product.

    Even when you have a funnel that converts and you know how much you can afford to get a lead you still can't know which campaign converts better to sales.

    E.g: let's say we're running a lead gen (conversion) campaign on Facebook with several adsets targeting different interests and some of them are bringing you leads within your KPI. How can you know which adset is making you the sales in that case?

    Can you give some tips about the above said?

  8. Thank you for the insights! Defiantly have a few actionable items for our next job posting. Also wanted to second the trail run. We started doing auditions this year and it has made a monumental difference! It's incredible how quickly someone who looked great in the beginning turns out not to be a good fit. Our turnover is way down and I can confidently say paying multiple people for a short period to get the best fit is money well spent in the long run. Thanks again for keeping us in the loop on what it takes to be successful 🙏

  9. Awesome video!!!! Because of you miles I hired my first video editor two years ago and it's been awesome! I do like a little slip in this video. "If you want the easy route just go work at an office 40hrs a day!"

  10. Thanks for the tips Miles. Recently we hired a few teammates and I can attest asking them for the video part definitely works. There will always be excuses as to why they can't do the video. Slow internet connection, out of town, sore throat etc.

    Keep more coming!

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