The Truth About Funnel Hacking: Is it Possible to Copy Someone Else's Business Model?

The Truth About Funnel Hacking: Is it Possible to Copy Someone Else’s Business Model? // You see all these people making millions of dollars from their business. So if you copy them, can’t you do the same? People nowadays say that, “Hey, you can copy someone else’s funnel, take the exact thing and then you’re off into the races.”

How to Create a High Converting Affiliate Marketing Sales Funnel (video):

How to Build a Conversion Funnel That Will Triple Your Profits (article):

How to Craft a Profitable Conversion Funnel from Scratch (article):

So, if you can do that, can you make millions like all these people too? Well, the short answer is no, but the long answer is yes.

Now, let me explain this.

Just because you copy someone’s funnel, doesn’t mean you’re going to do as well as them.

Sometimes it’s their personality, sometimes it’s their voice; there’s other factors that you can’t control.

Sometimes they’re better at driving traffic.

If you don’t have the traffic going to your funnel, you’re not going to make any money.

It doesn’t matter if it’s identical to their funnel.

So, if you want to create a business that does well and you want to copy or use someone else’s funnel, how should you go about it?

Well first, don’t just copy their funnel.

What you want to do is look at their funnel and understand why they created it like that.

Do they have up sales and down sales?

What are the up sales and down sales?

Do they help people get the results faster?

If they don’t, then you want to make sure that your funnel has up sales and down sales that make people get the results faster.

By understanding the funnel, the journey that you’re taking people through, you can get a better understanding of what people want before you sell them.

If you don’t know what people want, no matter what funnel you’re going to copy, you’re not going to do well.

The second thing you need to look at is how relevant are your readers and your visitors versus theirs?

Are they really related?

Are they not that related?

If they’re really related, there’s a higher chance that copying that funnel will work.

If they’re not that related, copying their funnel has no guarantee that it will be a success for you.

The third thing you want to look at is can you sustain the ad cost.

Most people who are using funnels are leveraging YouTube, they’re leveraging Facebook ads and sure, you can also run YouTube and Facebook ads and you can even spy on their ads, but if you spy on their ads and you create the same ones, there’s no guarantee that it’ll work right away.

They may have things like Lookalike Audiences that you don’t have uploaded.

All these things impact their ROY and it may make it harder for you to generate the same ROY from ads.

Now, it doesn’t mean you can’t get to where they are, it just more so means:do you have the cash flow to sustain it?

It may take a few months before you can get there and if you don’t have the cash flow to sustain it, copying their funnel in most cases won’t work.

And last but not least, just copying blatantly is a bad idea because it takes a lot of work and a lot of time to copy someone.

You need to look at their marketing and their funnel and start taking little segments of it and test it in your business.

If you find that it’s working, then you know that hey, you can do more of it, you can copy them more.

It’s all about doing things like adding the up sales, the down sales and if they have that and you know it’s working for them, that could be the first thing that you test.

If you find that they’re doing webinars and that’s working really well for them, the first thing you could test is just throwing up a simple webinar.

It doesn’t have to be as complex as theirs, doesn’t have to convert as well, but if you find that your audience likes a webinar and it’s converting, now you know that part of the funnel, that tactic works for your audience as well.

So as long as you implement those tips, yes you could copy someone else’s funnel and you do have a good shot at generating an ROY.

There’s no guarantee, but typically, if you copy someone’s funnel and they’re in the exact same space, you’re visitors are very related to their visitors, it should convert as well.

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  1. Do you think it's possible to copy someone else's business model and be profitable? If you do, leave a comment below with "yes". If you don't, leave a comment below with "no".

  2. Hi Neil, what is your opinion on Russell Bronson's Click Funnels and his promise of following his system for 90 days to make it work? they recommend that one can use and copy paste their emails to create ones own? it is all so confusing and so many of them say the same thing. Could you please tell which one of these are genuine? Also one sees Anik Singal of Lurn Nation and then there is Fred Lam, who has sold a program but when you go to the training page, the first few links take one to another program and then another one to one of his students.. are these people actually legit? Everyone seems to have a mention on Entreprenuer. Forbes, Business Insider which they boast on their dozens of repeat emails that come into ones inbox/

  3. When i was starting in blogging keyword research is tough for me, after a month writing a quality content is hard for me, after 3 months i facing trouble to Getting traffic and it's much harder to generate Quality Backlinks and now, Funnels are come to my list.
    Blogging isn't easy but not hard too!
    Proper guidance will decrease our timeframe for success.
    I'm blogging since last 6+ months but i'm not getting as traffic as well.
    I'm doing all the stuff but don't know where i'm stucked.
    BTW i never quite blogging anyway.
    There are only two phase: 1) winning or 2) learning
    At the stage i'm learning the process but at one day I will be proud to my parents definitely.
    Thankyou neil for being there always for teaching some new HACKS on blogging as well marketing ✌

  4. IMO and after spending an unnecessary amount of time and money running/testing paid ads to landing pages, copying funnels is viable as long as you have the offer and targeting dialed in.

    Like you said I wouldn't steal the copy but layout and basic concepts can still yield results if copied.

    At the end of the day though your landing page could be great but if your targeting is not relevant enough and your budget isn't big enough to build a relevant audience, the campaign will likely fail

  5. Hi Neil, I'm a big fan of yours! I would like to ask you if there is any formula or funnel you have seen that works for a Tour Operator (my company create tours). We are trying to digitilize but it looks hard. Thanks if you reply!

  6. Hi Neil, adding numbers to the H2, H3, H4, etc. for better structure like "1.0 H2 Title", then "1.1. H3 Title" then "1.1.1. H4 Title" is bad or its dont matter? I am thinking if the numbers ther are bad?!

  7. Excellent, more James Bond spying stuff πŸ‘ Neil you even have your James Bond top on πŸ™‚ Thanks for the ideas πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™€οΈ πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™€οΈ πŸ™πŸ»

  8. Hey Neil! I have a lead magnet, I promote it on Instagram but I am not getting enough leads… I don't have money for Paid Advertising or website… So what should I do to get more leads? My lead magnet is 31 pages PDF.

  9. sir sometimes i say something in my video in other way but the lines comes in a music video and i get copyright strike but i'm not singing i'm just saying that words to complete my line how can i solve this problem . btw your videos and website really helped me a lot thankyou so so much..

  10. Funnel hacking sounds awesome as a sales pitch, however it doesn't really work. When people funnel hack they miss one important things to have a winning forumla, which is having the same level of trust and brand credibilty like the person you're funnel hacking. Just modeling a funnel or flat out copying it will not replicate the same results unfortunately.

  11. hey neil, it's off topic but have you heard of new facebook update on page and groups algorithm ? as far as i know, it's about prioritizing pages and groups according to the users. i would love to know more from you about it if it's possible.

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