Marketing Storytelling: How to Craft Stories That Sell And Build Your Brand

Marketing Storytelling: How to Craft Stories That Sell And Build Your Brand // Do you want to know what the oldest marketing technique out there is? It’s storytelling. If you haven’t used storytelling in your marketing yet, you should. And I’m going to show you exactly how to use storytelling just like I do so you can get results.

How to Use Storytelling to Connect With Readers (Video):

How to Leverage Storytelling to Increase Your Conversions (Article):

The first example I have about storytelling is a significant objects project.

There was this guy, he bought 200 items for $129.

He then took those items, created a story around them, each individual one, posted it on eBay for each object, and can you guess how much he ended up selling everything for?

A whopping grand total of $8000.

That’s the power of storytelling.

Step one, define your core message.

If you don’t have a core message, your story’s going to continually ramble and ramble on.

There has to be a point to a story.

You can’t just tell a story because you want more sales or more conversions or more people to follow you.

If there’s no point, people aren’t going to know why they should continually pay attention to the story.

Step two, decide what kind of story you’re going to tell.

One version of storytelling is incite action.

It’s to get other people to take action and do something.

If you tell a story that motivates people, you can get them to take action.

Another way of storytelling is to tell people about yourself.

You can have a story about yourself, ups and downs you went through, it could be motivational.

This can help inspire other people jump on your bandwagon, follow your personal brand, follow you over the social web.

Personal storytelling is amazing.

When people get to know you, they relate more, they’re more likely to follow you, and your personal brand is more likely to grow.

Conveying value is another way of telling a story that gets people to join your bandwagon.

What I mean by that is if other people believe in the same values as you do, they’re more likely to relate with you and follow you as well.

This not only help to generate sales for your company, it also helps with your personal brand.

The last way that people typically storytell is to educate and pass knowledge on.

When you educate and you’re passing knowledge on through a story, they’re much more likely to be engaged, hooked, and learn that knowledge and be able to execute on it in the future.

Step three, you need to establish your call to action.

If you tell a story, you get people hooked, they’re all about you, they’re about your personal brand, they’re about your business, but they don’t know what to do next, you’re not really going to see any sales or conversions.

You need to tell them to do things like check out your company, follow you on the social web, join your email list, whatever it may be.

It doesn’t have to be a major commitment, it doesn’t have to be where they have to buy something right away, it could just be as simple as joining your list so that way you can tell them more stories, build more of a rapport with them, build more of a relationship, and then eventually convert them into a customer.

Now, before I let you go, because you have all the steps, I want to give you three quick bonus tips.

I’ve been storytelling for a long time, and I found that when a good story includes these three main things, it does much better.

So let’s go over these bonus tips.

Bonus tip number one, you need to have characters.

This allows people to see themselves in the story and be a part of it.

Without that, there’ll be a disconnect between you telling the story and the person listening on the other end.

Always have characters, and make them relatable.

Number two, you need a conflict.

Without the conflict, there’s not going to be that hook that gets people there waiting to figure out what’s happening next.

We don’t have conflict and everything’s hunky dory and roses, then people are like, okay, cool, this is boring.

Always have conflict in a story.

And of course, this is the last bonus tip, you need resolution.

You got the conflict, you need the resolution to go with it.

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  1. Have you ever used storytelling in your marketing? If you have, leave a comment below with ā€œyesā€. If you havenā€™t, leave a comment below with ā€œnoā€.

  2. Thanks a lot for the amazing video & tips, May I ask you to give examples of character to be used while making specific learning language storytelling videos
    Thank you

  3. I like your video short and sweet. I just have one comments.
    When u edit video , can u please donā€™t move too many time in only short time your move left and right and middle too closer time , I feeling dizzy so I could not focus listen you saying .

  4. Hey Neil Patel, Iā€™ve heard from other marketers that when we tell a story, it should be about the customer. NOT about yourself. How should I tell a story to motivate my customer to buy something?

  5. Hello @Neil Patel, hope you are doing great. I know I'm a bit overtime for questions but better late than never right!
    I wanted to know HOW exactly to find "the conflict and its resolution" for a new brand ?
    Mostly THE CONFLICT, how to find a "good conflict" (oxymoron..) to resolve indeed and make people relate ??
    Thank you in advance for your time and help!

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