Make Money on Pinterest, Part 2 – Pins, Boards & Automation

Learn how to setup your Pinterest account, your pins and pinterest boards for successful marketing on pinterest. Part 1 of the training is here:

The automation tool shown to reduce the amount of time it takes for pinterest marketing while increasing your reach with your pins is here:

For creating pins fast I recommend using snappa: ( I show step-by-step how to create pins fast in the first video linked above)

For a deeper dive training on Pinterest marketing strategy you can watch this video here-

This blog post will take you through a free Pinterest marketing course if you preferto have a version you can read-

Finally, here is a video that teaches how to do affiliate marketing on Pinterest –

With these three free Pinterest trainings and courses that teach you how to make money pinning you don’t need any of the overpriced Pinterest courses like Pinterest ninja, pinning perfect, In practical, etc.

Pinterest is one of the most valuable marketing channels for many direct to consumer businesses and digital product creators.

With over 330 million pinners they have approximately the population of the United States of America on their platform at least once per month.

Most people who use Pinterest regularly are high earners with a household income level of $75,000 or more and they are planning their future spending by repinning pins to their various boards.

When they choose your pins and re-pin them to their boards this means they are saving your ideas to take action on later.

When those pin ideas you publish that they save our detailed how-to posts, product reviews and other affiliate posts… When the time is ready for them to purchase the product or obtain the results they desire, they will return to your pins and click…

When you set up rich pins correctly as shown in this video using the Pinterest validator and by verifying your website, when they click on that pin they will be redirected to your website and you officially have an interested prospect entering your world through Pinterest marketing.

If you have any questions about marketing on Pinterest or automating the process be sure to reach out in the comments below…

Miles Beckler


What do you think?


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  1. Hey Miles, I've only just started dabbling with Pinterest and have been very hesitant to do so. I think the niche you're in will definitely contribute to your success on Pinterest. But if I'm looking at the pins you show in the video, there's a few that show 2k+ views and then 1 or 2 link clicks, with most pins showing 0 link clicks. I'd love to hear your opinion on the effort that's being put in vs traffic/leads that Pinterest provides.

  2. Hey Miles, loved the video. One thing I found confusing is, if I’m creating a new Pinterest account, should I create multiple boards on different keywords, each with a single pin or should I create one board around one keyword to start and fill that with a dozen pins before creating the next board?

  3. Hi Miles, thanks for your Pinterest vids (I'll most certainly be using your links to Tailwind and Snappa). What are your thoughts on creating pins to affiliate blogs (such as '10 best running shoes for off road') where emails could also be captured?

  4. Hey thanks for the video Miles! I was told that we couldn’t pin the same pin in multiple boards unless the image was slightly changed. In your video you’re saying it’s okay to rotate the pin among the boards every few days. Please confirm this. Thanks.

  5. Hi Miles, thanks for the helpful video!
    My question is; is there an optimum number of hashtags to be used (for any platform)? and why that number?
    Thanks again!

  6. Thanks Miles , I watched their channel and following their live streaming as well but things get more complicated with Pinterest now they're talking about fresh pins and how many times you allowed to re-pin , and Pinterst ads as well , I just want to ask is it enough to play with keywords to be able to get traffic to your profile and get your pins shown up ?!

  7. Hi Miles @Miles Beckler around 9:00 you allude to being able to copy a pin and reschedule it to several different boards every 5 or more days – ideally i just want to be able make copies of the pin within the schedule rather than keep posting a the pin from scratch to a new board – is it possible as it was alluded to in your video?

  8. Hey Miles, great video as always! If you're an ecom brand looking to grow, in terms of pins would you recommend creating value pins up front? For example If I sell makeup (which I don't lol) would you recommend making pins with creative along the lines of '10 makeup tips for Christmas' I hope that makes sense, would love to get your thoughts.

  9. How many blog posts should I write to promote a particular affiliate product? I mean it's not easy to generate traffic if I have a new Pinterest account. Should I create a blog post for each keyword found on Pinterest?

  10. Have you always pinned 5 to 7 days? Or did you start doing this because of the algorithm change over the summer?

    Used to hit over 1,800 hits a day from Pinterest to my site. Now that Pinterest wants to keep people on their platform i am down to 500. Thank you for all the amazing content you create for everyone Miles!!!

  11. Just discovered your channel, let the bingeing begin… In a few of the videos you've mentioned changes the developer teams have made that impacted how rankings and content perform on a platform. How do you keep up or discover these changes when they happen?

  12. Hey Miles, off topic of Pinterest but been down the rabbit hole with your videos and course. I have a question regarding opt-in/landing pages. How do you get visitors to that page on a blog style website? Is just using a pop up going to be the same thing?

  13. Thank you Miles. This was so helpful. I never went to YT to learn Tailwind. I watched a few short videos in TW to learn it. I also didn't know to pin every 5 to 7 days. I was doing every 2 days. oops! My question is, are we supposed to share the same pin to Tribes only once every 30 days? I always get the warning message that says I just pinned on such n such date to the same link with a different image. Thanks!

  14. Hi Miles, is it possible to overoptimize on Pinterest? I noticed you have about one pin per page, and a couple of links that go to other sites. Was this by design, to make it look more natural, similar to referring domains/anchor text profiles as if they were regular backlinks?
    Thanks BTW. I'm rewatching the one you and Melanie did awhile ago as well as these newer ones. Awesome and FREE training

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