How to Instantly Find Dozens of Content Ideas (That Your Audience Will LOVE)

How to Instantly Find Dozens of Content Ideas (That Your Audience Will LOVE) | You’ve used tools like Ubersuggest to find all these keywords that you should go after. But how do you know what content you should create around these keywords? Because if you create the wrong type of content no one’s going to want to read the post, link to it, share it, which means it won’t rank on Google. Today I’m going to teach you how to instantly find dozens of content ideas that your audience will love.

Ubersuggest –
ConvertKit –
MailChimp –

See, the secret to finding great content ideas is to look at the concepts, the topics, the ideas that people are already looking for and sharing for on social media.

See, because if people are already sharing this stuff, you know they’re looking for more of it. If they’re not that means that they’re not really interested in it. You can do the same with links. If people are linking to specific types of articles it means they find it valuable. That means you should be producing more of that content and less of the stuff that no one links to.

So I have a really easy solution for you. And I developed this to make my life easier and because of that it’ll also make your life easier.

So I want you to head over to Ubersuggest and type in a keyword. Type in a keyword that you’re interested in going after. I’m not talking about just like dog or marketing.

Pick something that has at least two words in it. You don’t have to get too specific. Keep it somewhat generic. I want you to look at the content ideas reports. Once you’re in Ubersuggest you’ll see a keyword overview in the left-hand navigation and click on content ideas. That’ll show you all the articles that are on that subject that are popular based on social shares.

Now what I want you to do is look for the articles that are popular based on social shares but also estimated visits. Look for the ones that have at least 100 estimated visits.

Then I also want you to look for the ones that have at least five backlinks. So if something has thousands of social shares, at least 100 estimated visits, and five backlinks it shows you that people like it. Not just from a social sharing perspective that people can manipulate but it’s also ranking someone on Google because people like it.

People are also linking to it because they found it’s valuable so when you combine all three of those things you now have content that you know people will love. Creating content around that will do extremely well. That’s how you find dozens and dozens of ideas literally in seconds or minutes.

Now the hard part isn’t finding ideas, it’s coming up with keywords so you can continually find more ideas. And I’ve also made that super simple for you. And you can do this in a few ways. You can type in a keyword such as marketing or SEO tips.

Click on the keyword ideas reports and it’ll show you questions, propositions, and comparisons. These will give you more blog topics that you could potentially write about. It’ll also tell you keywords that are more intent-based. When someone’s doing a comparison, let’s say of two different email marketing tools.

Like Convert Kit versus Mail Chimp. That tells you someone’s really interested in buying and they just haven’t figured out what solution. So going after some of these terms will help you maximize your revenue, your leads, your sales.

Now the last feature I want to show you go over to the top pages report. Type in a competitor’s URL, take a few seconds to load. This will show you the most popular pages your competitors are getting traffic from.

Most of these pages are usually going to be content-based pages. Look at the estimated visits, the social shares, and backlinks. The pages that have more than 100 visits, more than five backlinks, and ideally thousands of social shares are the ones you want to replicate.

If they don’t have thousands of social shares that’s okay. At least go for the ones that have higher visit counts. Ideally maybe in the thousands. And more backlinks, even better.

Those are the ones that you could be going after to maximize your traffic. because if you write on a similar piece of content you’ll also get more traffic. Versus writing on something that’s a dud. And you can see the duds as well. You type in your competitor URL, look at the top pages.

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#ContentMarketing #Blogging #SEO


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  1. Hi Neil, what's up, I want your mentoring please ! i live in Yemen, I decided to start an online media agency, on Facebook because it's the most popular place to reach people here, so I've written a content about buisnes to start making awareness around my brand then I can get the customers, but after I made an ads about my content I figured out that my content has no engagement at all, and iam confusing what kind of content I should write about for my audience

  2. Hey, Neil! I am studding your video "How to Instantly Find Dozens of Content Ideas".

    I typed in the keyword "healthy dog food recipes”. In the left hand navigation I clicked "content ideas". It shows me some articles. On the right hand side of the article I clicked the "keywords" and then it show me a lot of keywords. At the top of the page it says “This page gets an estimated 5,573 visits a month from Google. Here are the keywords that generate those visits.”

    I think maybe I should find the every words on the articles, don’t I? I intend to do but failed.

  3. Hi, Neil! I just stumbled across your page and I'm loving the content, so thank you so much! I have been trying to determine if I want to start a blog or not. I love to write, both creatively and professionally/educationally. I don't write as a professional, but I will post my stories or my posts online. I'm wanting to give tips and offer discussions about writing with those three facets, but I am concerned that this topic might be too boring to blog about. Do you have any opinions on this? Thank you in advance! And sorry this comment is so long!

  4. Great stuff. You mentioned in an older video. You would have done supplements. I'm a newbie. Would have promoted as affiliate or how? I don't have financial's at the moment to start a line. How would you go about it? And where would you promote it? Facebook. Instagram or YouTube? I eagerly await your response.

  5. Hi Neil,
    Thanks for sharing great content here. I am just about getting started in content/digital marketing and I am confused as to where to start from regarding expertise. I am good at writing and I have worked in learning and development field as a corporate trainer for 18 months. I see myself as a good trainr, however I am not sure what to write on. I am looking to start my own business in content/digital marketing this year and kinda scared about it. Please what would you advise?
    Thanks in advance!

  6. Hi Neil, When typing in a keyword on Uber suggest and clicking on keyword ideas after, some of the keyword ideas have have great opportunity as they have low SEO difficulty and decent cpc so going after them keyword ideas are fine ? Even though there may not be a high current est visits on the top ranking pages for that keyword ?

    Thanks for the value you’ve provided

  7. Hi Neil! It might not be a right platform to ask, but i don't have any source to ask my concern. Let me take this platform as a privilege to ask my doubt.
    Will it be wise to index website in all the search engine like google, bing, yahoo, etc. Or it will be wise to index website only at google console?
    If we index our website in different search engine, will it have a negative impact or positive impact?
    I will appreciate if you could respond my queries…
    Thanks in advanced.

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