3X Your Email Results By Applying These Frameworks & Workflows Hacks – Email Marketing Unlocked

Today’s lesson, we’re going to be talking about testing and tweaking. Iterating your email marketing starts with your contacts, and there’s really five steps. And I’m just going to quickly go over the five steps and then we’re going to go in-depth on what you really need to do to tweak and test, so that way you can maximize your revenue from email marketing.

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Step one is understand your products, services, and how they’re really being used. That way, you can figure out what messaging you need to put to maximize your sales.

Two, you need to get feedback from customers. They may be happy with what you’re doing, they may be sad, they may be unsatisfied, and this feedback will help you tweak and make things better.

Then you want to go into identifying your customer based on demographics, psychographics, behavioral, environmental factors, and more. This allows you to segment out your list and send people messages based on what they are really looking for versus something that’s generic to all your contacts.

Step four, be sure to always keep your customer profiles up to date. You don’t want to be keeping sending people emails to their old email address, or to bounces, or to people who don’t want your emails.

And then you want to survey your customers again to gain insights on changing habits, preferences, and interests, so that way you can keep up with the latest trends that are happening in the world.

How do you develop relationships with lead nurturing? By segmenting, you can also make your emails more personalized, by having that story within your brand. In addition to that, there’s a lot of technical housekeeping that you need to do to maximize your email efforts.

In general, your email tool that you use, no matter which one you use, pretty much all of them have reporting. So view the reporting, view the segmentation, view what’s working, from subject lines to the call to actions. And this will give you idea of what you should do more of and what you should do less of.

I also recommend that you create personas, because when you create personas and when you see these patterns and you create personas based off the patterns that you’re seeing, you can identify different personas, track them, and not in a sleazy or creepy way, but nonetheless you can track them, segment them, and then send them specific offers to maximize your conversion rate.

I also recommend creating a predictive model, right? And here’s what I mean by that. If you have lists within your email tool, and with these lists, for example, I have a list of all past buyers. I know that if I email out my past buyers for anything new, my conversion rate and revenue is through the roof because 20% of my new purchases tend to come from past buyers.

And that’s why I do things like monitor my click-through rate, my conversion rates, my open rates, because it all gives me idea on, hey, what to expect from my emails.

And if you notice things like your open rate going down, I recommend that you go and try a different strategy. For example, you could try to send an email that’s related to a trend or a news event, and that could increase your open rates.

As your list gets bigger and bigger, usually you’ll see your rates drop down. And to track all of this, if your email tool doesn’t give you what you need, you can also use Google Analytics, set up campaigns with their, use a UTM tracking variables.

Try different subject lines, call to actions. It’ll give you idea of what’s working and what’s not working. And my favorite strategy is email marketing retargeting. And what I mean by that is, if I send someone an email and they open it, I can remarket them around the web and show them banner ads for my products and services to really try to bring brand awareness, bring education, and eventually convert them into a customer.

And you can even show email ad through Gmail now, believe it or not, there’s ads that you can show people within their Gmail inbox.

I know we covered a lot within this lesson. I want you to go to NeilPatel.com/training and click on Email Marketing Unlocked, go to week two, lesson two. And I want you to download these cheat sheets and workflows. It’ll help you get things through. So in that way, you can maximize the revenue you’re generating through email.

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