3 Things Every Digital Marketer MUST Master To Succeed

If you are missing just 1 of these things you won’t achieve the success you desire. Get all 3 right and you will make money online! NEW UPDATE: Get my NEW 🏆 Affiliate Marketing Crash Course 🏆 for FREE, here: https://www.milesbeckler.com/free-affiliate-course

I’ve broken down everything I did in order to build, launch and grow a brand new affiliate site to over $3500/mo in profit in simple step-by-step format… It’s 100% beginner friendly and of course, it’s yours 100% free… Because my lifestyle is supported by my affiliate sites NOT from selling you courses… 👍

The first key is becoming a true expert in your niche and field.

I covered this in extreme detail in this previous video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9aDfuHxt0QAs a digital marketer and online entrepreneur your #1 job is to help your audience with whatever their challenges, problems, goals and desires are in your niche.

Too many people get confused here and they think the online business is about THEM.It’s not about you… It’s about your audience!

When you keep this focus in the right place and you realize that your job online is to help your audience get the transformation and outcome they desire… You are most of the way there.

But that’s not all because there are 2 other major areas you must gain mastery of, in order to accomplish this goal.

And that’s exactly what is covered in the video.Then at the end we look at 2 real world examples of how this works…

Thinking through the lens of a gardener who is focusing in on YouTube…

Then we look at their approach as if they were going to focus only on Facebook ads and funnels.

You will see how the difference in approaches changes the number of learning curves that you will have to go through as a successful digital marketer and entrepreneur.

If you are truly committed to dominating your niche through content marketing…

Be sure to read this post about my 3 step DIY content marketing process — https://www.milesbeckler.com/diy-content-marketing/

It takes time, persistence and the right focus to create true success online…

This video will give you some much needed perspective and motivation to go forth and dominate in your niche, today!


What do you think?


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  1. NEW UPDATE: Get my NEW 🏆 Affiliate Marketing Crash Course 🏆 for FREE, here: https://www.milesbeckler.com/free-affiliate-course

    I've broken down everything I did in order to build, launch and grow a brand new affiliate site to over $3500/mo in profit in simple step-by-step format… It's 100% beginner friendly and of course, it's yours 100% free… Because my lifestyle is supported by my affiliate sites NOT from selling you courses… 👍

  2. How come those without domain knowledge get a lot of traction in the topic they’re talking about? I love health and fitness, more specifically helping women lose weight. But I’m by no means and expert and have researching on and off for about 3 years, but I have experimented a Lot and tried a lot of things so I kind of know what works to an extent, but diet / fitness is so individual. How do you also only stay one one platform? Isn’t it better to be cross platform to get more promotion? Sorry if this is too much. There are so many tips online for what to do and I’m only 22 so have not much life experience, but I still want to pursue my passion. 😊

  3. Sir, I'm just about to graduate and I've been doing digital marketing courses, however I'm not able to understand where do I start.
    Everything in the industry is changing and I don't want to let my efforts go waste.Could you please guide me on where or what should I start with?

  4. So I can tell you I've been following and learning from Miles Beckler for a few years. His information is pure gold. He's honest, informative and easy to listen to. Listening to the video(via podcast) I understood literally everything you said…when I started, I would have understood none of it. Now, can I turn it into something, that's another story. Your point about each 'thing' needing three more 'things' just to master the first, was absolutely SPOT ON. Good grief, the learning curve for this stuff is insane. But, for anyone who doesn't know Miles, go back and watch his first video. Then just keep watching. If you can afford to join his membership group, do it. The info in there is invaluable…if you have the budget and an idea. Don't follow fake gurus…follow Miles. Be safe!

  5. Wow, today finally I watched all of your videos… I am starting my marketing agency in the next days… thanks man… hard times… have poor health… no home… very little money and of course no love… but you had been my one hope…. the one good thing in the world… I will put to good practice all of your teachings… may God bless you and guide you to even more success.

  6. Please Miles, tell us a little bit about the other website… don't get into specific if you fear that they will steal and cheat you. But the vast majority of us are not to blame! Tell us what happened eventually and hoe the are things going if you like!! Thanks!

  7. do you do step by step coaching! ? really, super hard to find anyone willing to do good coaching on building an online bus. you can trust who's willing to be honest and real. please let me know if you have any space for a real life testimonial, fail or pass still worth the efforts, especially if pass [which is obviously the belief / hope],
    even if you do this with someone who doesn't understand much,
    one of the most diff things i can think of is the belief barrier.
    i once heard a person who'd been a simple blue collar hard worker -become millionaire share his great pains in trying to come up with ways to sincerely explain to current blue collar workers that they could also become millionaires if they were willing to put in the hard work he had to.
    he was willing to share steps, if they were willing to take them.
    i think there's a missing gap currently in helping the people in the "know" (like yourself), bridge that "gap" with people who are hopeful, like myself,
    getting to the side of starting to take the steps given.
    i hope that makes some sense.
    i believe you "know",
    but i know there's still a void / gap making hard for me to start taking steps without letting shiny objects get in the way.
    i've been following / looking into what you say / teach for a while and have begun to apply and see good stuff.
    you have the experience and "belief" that the experience gave you to "believe/know" you can build a successful online business a second time — i don't have that experience to help me know it can happen for me, but i'm trying to trust and i'm testing to see if i may be able to learn from you as i seek out a mentor i can trust.
    i want to get there… hopefully sooner than later i will.
    blessings to you on your continued journey! thanks again for sharing. i'll let cha know if i find a bridge to get over the gap so i can run.. i have some ideas. we'll see in time. 🙂
    becuase i need to learn to generate income first i'm learning affiliate marketing, i recently jumped off from clickfunnel to thrive becuase i'm just at the beginning. i'll be watching your vid on getting that first sell online next to see if it helps me since the current training i have is great if you have a big enough budget, but i don't yet. 🙂 (ok, i went to the site your link sent me to re getting that first sell, but it turns out that i've already tried their teaching / training and it was not the right fit for me. i think the right training from the right trainer makes the biggest diff in anything you want to learn. so i'm still looking forward to the first sell, but i'll have to find a diff train to get it. punn intended.)…
    honestly, based on diff things i've tried to gleam from you i'll probably get youtube going, maybe a 90day challenge to myself of some sort is just what i need.

  8. thanks for sharing and helping miles, your history and some of the ways you put yourself into a position / made commitments to challenges helps in believing i might be able to really do this, build an online business. kudos!

  9. I’m struggling making this whole thing work. However I’d like to Thankyou for your content. After spending lots of money on so called gurus and Facebook ads. I’ve made the decision to follow you, use this time of isolation to learn from you and listen to the resources.

  10. Please knowing what you know now and your masters level on digital marketing, if you were to start a career in digital marketing what will be the first thing you will learn?

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