How To Become An Expert – 5 Steps Revealed!

Becoming the GO-TO EXPERT in your niche is the #1 way to guarantee your success online… But HOW do you become the expert? This video reveals the clear 5 step path you can take.

Now, if you aren’t fully convinced that niche marketing is for you… or if you are confused how focusing your message down to a smaller niche can result in more sales and more profits for your business, read this post:

If you are wanting to know what makes a good niche and if you want to see a bunch of different niche ideas, watch this video where we look at the intersection of psychology & niche marketing while exploring 55 great niche examples –

Even deeper in niche research for you, if you want to dig in to some successful niche websites, watch this video where you can follow along on my computer as I explore 13 successful authority sites in a wide variety of niches –

And of course, my free “How To Choose Your Niche” Training and the customer avatar trainings are here –

In this video you are going to learn the five steps to becoming an expert in any niche.

Now, this video is vitally important for you because the common knowledge about how to succeed online always comes back to this idea of “become the expert”, “become the trusted advisor for your audience…”

But how?

How do you actually become the expert in your niche?

And that’s exactly what you’re going to learn inside of this video.

I’m not only going to explain the five steps, but I’m going to help you understand the differences between the steps so you’ll know where you are in the process of becoming the niche expert and you’ll know when you’ve crossed the threshold to the next one.

Now the different steps are…

#1 – Amature
#2 – Turning Pro
#3 – Niche Authority
#4 – Niche Celebrity
#5 – Expert

I break down the different activities you’ll be working on during each step for you so you can understand the differences.

Additionally, you’ll gain perspective about what to expect in the process of building your niche authority site through each phase.

Having the right perspective is key to maintaining the energy and excitement needed to create the success you desire, online

You will also learn about the types of products you can offer your audience in each step. From affiliate marketing income to coaching and consulting, even selling courses there is a TON of potential in every phase.

But you need to know what types of offers are relevant in each phase so you can maximize your income. The wrong offer at the wrong time or in the wrong step simply not work.

Last note here… You don’t have to make it all the way to the ‘Expert’ level in order to make great niche website income…

In fact, you can start earning income shortly after turning pro, as you’ll learn in this video.
I share my story about when I turned pro and how long it took for me to break through the $10,000 per month mark online.

Reaching the niche authority level or even the niche celebrity level is enough to create a multiple-six figure business or even a 7 figure per year business…

So don’t feel like you need to take on every step right away.

Don’t feel like you need to WAIT until you make it through to the Niche Authority level to start earning income…

Finally, if you made it to the end and you enjoyed the ‘theory’ in this video but you want to understand tactically how to ‘put it all together’ be sure you watch this video next that reveals the anatomy of a million dollar online business –

Glad you made it to the end…

Give yourself a shout out in the comments for being awesome!




What do you think?


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  1. 1% – Thank you Miles! I started following your WordPress course and I am creating my blog right now. Im in the Amateur stage but looking forward to starting a 30 day blog posting challenge soon. Thank you for all the valuable information you share! 🙏🏼

  2. I don't really have any expert status in anything. I have passions, I like videogames but I suck at them. I think to myself, well..during covid I bought an elliptical machine cheap on the Facebook marketplace because the gyms shut down and I also had knee issues so I couldn't do jogging cardio and the elliptical allowed me to stay in shape without damaging my joints. So maybe I could do a home gym type of niche…except I live in an apartment and can't build a home gym in an apartment and also can't afford all the equipment, so wouldn't all my content be based on stealing information from other peoples/reviews? How is that authentic? I really want to start a niche, but I just can't get over this non expert status in anything. I wake up, go to work, go home, cry and sleep 24/7, how is my boring lifestyle going to out expert college graduates with degrees and true knowledge on subjects? Why would people listen to my fitness blog over a blog with true real expertise? Someone who has a degree in exercise kinoology?

  3. #1%. Always excellent content. Trying to determine if teaching Microsoft office products or math strategies for teachers is a specific niche. Im a Former computer and math teacher

  4. #1% What if you felt like you skipped one of the stages? What do you do! I love health & fitness but I feel like I took too big a step (2 videos a week) and now I'm realising there is still SO MUCH to learn. Any help?

  5. 1% – Thank you Miles for your insight and explanations. I am really enjoying your teaching style as you impart the information in a interesting and focus-driven way. Looking forward to watching more of your videos!

  6. Miles, I watch this video 2 times: Why: To fully grasp how to become expert hopefully in my own niche. You explain very great in your videos. I like how you talk, and the great detail of each videos, wow over 300. I think I created maybe 25 from 2017 to 2020 most was about the cats that came into my life.

  7. This is an incredibly helpful video Miles. I do have one question that I struggle with. You often refer to the fake gurus which to me are competitors who may be popular and famous but who teach crap but at the same time you say reach out to influencers and share their stuff. I pretty much disagree with every influencer in my niche so it would be completely contradictory for me to promote them because they only care about making money and not helping their customers. A lot of them are Gatekeepers to employment in my niche and so jobseekers assume they know what they are talking about and therefore will pay for their advice or I think they are getting a leg up. Any thoughts on how to deal with this precarious situation without giving up my integrity?

  8. Hey Miles … #1%… love this video and your entire channel. I watched your online course design video last night and used it today to design a program and pitch it to a client. Genius. But here’s a question: did you ever go into this intending to sell online courses, and therefore wonder whether you were giving too much content away for free? I’ve got a generous attitude on this, but I find myself holding back from giving away too much of the “how” because that’s what I want people to purchase at some point.

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