Charge More $$ for Your Course WITHOUT Creating More Content | 6 Figure Per MONTH Sales

🔥 My #1 Recommendation To Create an Online Course

Most people think that if you want to charge more for your course you have to create more content, or more videos, or more trainings.

Look, you can certainly do that, but when it comes to online courses, creating more VALUE is much different than creating more CONTENT.

And that’s what we’re going to talk about today, “How to Charge More for Your Online Course By Giving More VALUE (Not more content)”

Most people don’t realize this, but simply creating more content and more videos can actually HURT your online course.

Why? Because more does not always = better.

In fact, a course that goes on and on and on with videos and content can actually cause confusion and overwhelm in your customers.

So what should you do instead if you want to charge more $$ for your course so you can scale it to 4, 5, even 6 figures PER MONTH?

The smart thing to do is to find more ways to add VALUE to your course.


Where to find me:

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  1. beware of this man he stole $ 16000 from me along with forex-bullishe his fake name was Clark Brown on LinkedIn i have pictures there and many evidence of this man must be stopped before any more victims i can leave all the evidence see how he takes people's money under the fake name Clark Brown

  2. Thank you Anthony. I was in the process of putting together my online course and was so overwhelmed with all the content that I have, and I was trying to push all of it into the course. But, you saved me in time. Thanks a lot!!!

  3. great advise. people only have so much time each day. if you inundate them with just content you're going to turn them off. the fb groups idea is probably the best way to start out, and then progress to the one-on-one call

  4. Hi Anthony, thanks for providing valuable information. I'm a stone cold newbie and I want to break into the internet marketing area. What products/programs do you suggest for me to take on. Thanks in advance for your help

  5. Charge more for your course! Create more value, solutions to problems the course is targeting. Confused mind does nothing. Yep, learn things quicker. Put customers into a Face Book group. The groups become a community, inspiration, interaction, a wealth of knowledge. Weekly calls, provide value, don't have to sell anything. 1 on 1 coaching provides great value and build a relationship to have loyal followers. Only provide what is needed in the course to get the started, then help them along the way. Yes, these are proven strategies that work, not theory. Thank you Anthony!

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