How Do Bloggers Make Money? ($1,000 a day in 2020)

Here is how I make money blogging in 2020. Some days, I make over $1,000 a day. Learn how much bloggers make. 👉 Subscribe:

In this blogging tutorial, I’ll show you how I earn money from my little blogging empire (well, not so little anymore :).

If you’ve ever wondered how much bloggers really make, then this video is for you – I’m showing you everything in detail, the full breakdown of my blog income.

Here’s a complete “insider” look into the nuts and bolts of my business.


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👉How to choose a Niche:

👉How to start a blog, from scratch:

👉How to rank your blog on Google first page:


👉 All my TRAFFIC videos:

👉 All my BLOGGING videos:


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If you want to earn some real money with your blog, there are some important things you need to keep in mind. I go over them in detail in this video.

First of all, in my mind, blogging is the process of creating useful content on topics that people are searching and willing to read.

Blogging can be text based, or video-based. In my mind, I think that both types of blogging are the same, just the actual medium of delivery of that content is different.

So in order to be a successful blogger, you need to learn how to create content that people are searching for.

Blogging Income Source #1: Ads

Ads are the simplest way that bloggers can make money. You can register with Google Adsense (once you have at least 100 visitors a day) and then insert a short line of code into your website, and your website will start showing ads from Google advertisers.

Any time someone views an ad or clicks on an ad, you will get paid a certain amount.

Aside from Google Adsense, there are other ad networks such as MediaVine and AdThrive which often pay better rates to bloggers than Adsense. However, these networks have higher acceptance thresholds and require some minimum blog visitor numbers.

Personally, I make a couple of thousand a month from Google Adsense, however it’s not my preferred monetisation method, because there are others, more profitable methods, which are…

Blogging Income Source #2: Selling your own product

Most bloggers end up developing their own product. Interior bloggers will create some kind of a course on interior design. Fitness bloggers create workout guides etc.

Having your own product makes sense, because your audience already follows you and (hopefully) likes you. So it’s natural for them to want to buy something from you.

I have a course on blogging. That’s my product. And that ends up bringing tons more income for my than showing display ads.

Blogging Income Source #3: Email marketing

It’s very important for all bloggers to build an email list. You may have heard it already a thousand times – but I’ll say it agian – the money is in the list 🙂

I made a huge mistake for years and wasn’t focused on building my email list. Big mistake!

But I’ve learnt now, and now I focus on building my email list.

And that’s exactly how I’m often able to make over $1k in a single day – by sending out an email or two recommending something – either my own product or someone else’s product which I might promote for a commission.

Enjoy the video!

Greg Kononenko (The Caffeinated Blogger)

Disclaimer: Some links in my videos are affiliate links and I may earn a commission if you buy something via that link. This helps me maintain this channel and buy coffee 🙂 The price to you is the same as if you buy direct.

#makemoneyblogging #blogging


What do you think?


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  1. If i am working with someone who knows drawing can i make a blog and then sell the course inside the blog? May i ask what platform is good for making the course? and this drawing it is general drawing and Manga drawing. appreciate your help!!

  2. Hi Cafinated blogger just took a nosey at your travelcroc site not to copy in any way just to see what it's like and there are no ads running on there now it may be an issue you need to look into keep up the great work I'm three months in on one of my sites and the lines are starting to go up you have kept me at thanks a lot and keep the vids coming.

  3. Hello how are you doing? We would like to design a better logo, a better introduction and a better banner for your channel, if you can provide us with your email to send our proposal? Greetings —– Excellent content

  4. Hi Greg,
    Thanks for all the great content. I was wondering, when applying to ad networks, do you have to wait until you see consistent daily sessions or can you apply after only a week or 2. My blog traffic has grown to 800 visits a day but only in the last week. Before that it was 300 a day.
    Thanks for your help. Christina

  5. Hi, there is important question. Is it important for Google Adsense where my website is located if I have .com domain? Your Travelcroc website is located in Singapore, right? Or if you have .com domain it is not important? If I want to have big CPC with US audience will Google automatically show high CPC ads for them and less CPC for India users?

  6. Hello, thank you for these videos, but I have subscribed to your Chanel according to your advice in one of your Pinterest sessions to get the Pinterest course and I have not received the link and emailed helpdesk 3 times without a response!! is there a link to that free course or not?

  7. Thanks for another awesome video Greg..

    I am really interested in learning how you can scale your email list building.

    Are you using any paid methods to build your list via ppc or retargeting?


  8. Hey a quick question regarding the ad platform out there (mediavine) which is like Google AdSense. I wanna ask is mediavine a legitimate and trustable ad serving platform.
    Waiting for your response.


  9. Greg, you are killing it! I thought that with Ads is not possible to earn a lot, but, I am wrong. The best thing is that people don't even have to buy, but just to click, so I can realize the potential of ads in particular Adsense. What is your opinion on a review based web site, for example only doing [product review] compated to how to, best way, tips etc, especially for not that much experienced marketers ?

  10. Would it be possible for you to make a video explaining the various type of SEO like which text should be h1, h2 and image text and how to use yoast and stuff. It would be helpful. Thanks, sir.

  11. Great video, you have quickly become one of my favourite Youtubers. I have a fitness website what do I have to do to get a backlink lol. Also I was checking the "things to do" keywords for a travel website in the UK, US and Australia but they look quite hard to rank for?

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