Google Ads For Beginners Guide 2021 [Full Course]

$5 a day Google Ads strategy for beginners – learn exactly how to choose your best keywords, write compelling ads, optimize your bidding, and run remarketing. Go from beginner to advanced in this video to setup, launch, and minotaur your first Google Ads PPC campaign.

🔥 Google Ads Campaign Builder:
Quickly Deploy High Converting Campaigns In Minutes 👈

🔥 Ad Copy Formula:
Craft Click Worthy Ads In Minutes👈

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Table of Contents:
0:00 – Intro
0:27 – Product Offer
4:40 – Campaign Structure
6:26 – Keyword Targeting
16:40 – Message Craft
24:27 – Account Build
48:30 – Experiment Cycle
59:29 – Remarketing Campaign
1:09:40 – Outro

Google Ads For Beginners Guide 2021 [Full Course]

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Want a google ads campaign that works right out of the gate? This is a quick start guide to Google Ads For Beginners: create your first campaign from scratch.

In this Google Ads tutorial for beginners, you’re going to learn everything you need to know, A to Z and everything in between, to set up your Google PPC campaign. Of course, we’ll dive into the Google Ads interface to show you a click-by-click Google PPC tutorial.

Google Ads is Google’s online advertising platform where advertisers bid to display brief advertisements of their product or service in the Google search engine. You can either do a google search ad or display ad type of campaign.

This Google Ads For Beginners tutorial is an introduction to google ads where we will discuss with you what is google ads, the google ads basics, and google ads fundamentals. Likewise, we’ll walk you through how to set up your remarketing campaign if you want to remarket your product or service.

We will share with you everything you need to know to get you up and running with your first Google Ads campaign – google ads settings, overview, campaign settings, location targeting, ad scheduling, ad rotation, ad networks, search partners, and more.

Now, if you want to do search engine marketing, the pay per click advertising of Google Ads is the right one for you. This is the old and proven way to increase your site traffic and generate more leads. Learn how Google Ads paid traffic will help you in your lead generation marketing.

The most important part when doing your PPC advertising with Google Ads is understanding that you need to be patient with your campaigns – test different ads and landing pages in addition to adding negative keywords.

With your campaigns, you need to learn the art of split testing your campaigns because even the big companies, who spend millions of dollars on advertising, split test their ads.

In this google ads 2021 video, you’ll learn how to create a google ad campaign for only $5 a day. This is a budget-friendly tutorial especially for services-based businesses who are looking to get more leads and customers.

So make sure to keep watching our other Google Ads For Beginners tutorials and always be looking for ways to make changes in your account to test. Remember, be patient and always look for ways to optimize your campaigns!

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Disclaimer: Please note that all recommendations & links are affiliate promotions.


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  1. 44:41 – UPDATE: PLEASE READ! – TEXT ADS: So Google has decided to no longer allow us to create Text Ads from this interface. You need to create your campaign WITHOUT creating any ads. Then go into your ad groups after you've created your campaigns and go to "Ads & Extensions" click "Create Responsive Ad"… Then you will see the small link that is shown in the video.

  2. Thank you for the video. my ads budget is restricted, and I want to advertise to Arabic speakers. Should I start with multiple Arabic speaking counties or just one, or does the language function work well? Or would you suggest one country with limited speakers 😊Thanks

  3. Can someone help with this? This part seems to throw me off – When we're adding different ad groups for each keyword we want to use – Are we creating multiple ads to test out which keyword is bringing in the most traffic? And does this affect the overall budget? For e.g I've set my advertising budget to $100 – Is this 100 being used for all the ads we're creating? Or is it for each ad? Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you

  4. Jason, could you do a video on how to audit and then make optimizations to campaigns that have been running for awhile but may not be performing? Something like this would be very appreciated!

  5. Wow, thanks for this..

    Presently I'm just starting my journey in Google ads and someone recommended this your video to me — and for real you've dished out a lot. Thank you again.

    My question is.. Is google ads very suitable for marketing digital product?

    Cos I noticed it's mostly used for E-commerce and services based business.

  6. Thank Jason for this video. My question though ( which is probably silly ) is I see my click cost is $20 to be on the first page, but if my daily limit is only $20, does that mean I only get one click per day ? ie: how does my daily limit impact my total budget limit which say could be $200 ? Another way of saying this: will my $20 per click cost keep going until my $200 budget is all used up, which on a busy day could mean my whole month budget is spent in one day, or does it mean I get no more impressions until the next day. Hope this makes sense. Thanks agan.,

  7. I have been running Google Ads for years and tried the Dynamic Ads and smart bidding out for a few months – at a huge cost. I nearly pulled the plug on them but decided to stick it out and wait for some results that I could learn from. At this point I just want to go back to basics and use the data from those ads to build a solid bunch of campaigns. Do you think that is a wise move?

  8. Jason, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I have been totally dreading becoming responsible for my firm's Google Ads campaign. You made this learning process virtually painless. Now, to dive in and see what I can do! GOD BLESS YOU!!

  9. Sorry but there were google adds in the beginning so didn't get to watch the video… I got too 0.04 of 0.15 in the google add before your ….0.00 To 1.10.47 seconds of BLAH BLAH! What were you selling again ? The advert put me off! Shame cause you could make me millions bro!

  10. Thank you so much for this video! Just a question I have been creating an ad for my business but when I get to the part of physically writing my ad it does not give me the option to switch to text ads? Any suggestions? It literally just does not appear

  11. Ok, I never give positive reviews BEFORE I finish a course, but I bought this man's Google Ads Copywriter course and it's some of the best teachings I have come across. Very impressive for such a young man. . . and I have invested thousands into my education. It took me a few days of searching to find this video that led me to his courses.

  12. This is hands down the best video I’ve seen on this subject. Thanks so much for showing how to bypass the google automation stuff which has already made me waste money showing my ads to too many people!

  13. As always, great video! What’s a good CTR for search ads? For a service based business. I’m at 2.91% for the last 7 days with a $5.38 CPC. With the headlines, do all 3 show up on same ad or do they rotate? Thank you in advance!

  14. Hey Jason,
    This is the first time I've ever followed a YouTube video all the way through and actually implemented it! So thank you very much for that. One question, it's been about 24 hours since I activated my ads and I have had zero impressions and clicks which is giving me the feeling that I did something wrong along the way, how long should I wait before adjusting my ads?

  15. I've watched dozens and dozens of videos for applicable help and this is by far the most helpful. So much so that I went on to purchase your PPC Ads Course, however, the website to download the materials appears to be down. Your website appears to be down, as well. Everything ok out there?

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