7 Marketing Trends to Help you DOMINATE Social Media in 2021

Out of all the marketing spaces out there, social media is the one that changes the most every year, and it changes so drastically. And look, if you’re going to follow advice from one or two years ago, it’s not really going to work in the future. Today I’m going to break down seven marketing trends that’ll help you dominate social media in 2021.

How to Start Social Media Marketing (4 ESSENTIAL Tips for Beginners) : https://youtu.be/-tdFvJLw2UQ

7 Social Media Hacks That’ll Make Your Business Grow Faster : https://youtu.be/3x9AWh7g1YQ

Stop Making These Social Media Marketing Mistakes : https://youtu.be/TnQt_-uwR7g

So what’s the big first big change? It’s, Stories, are going to continually grow.

According to Hootsuite, 64% of marketers either have already incorporated Instagram Stories into their strategies, or plan to. So you need to really get into Stories.

Even YouTube has recently added Stories to its platform. And it’s going to be something that the default on all social platforms that come about, even the new ones that emerge that haven’t launched yet, everyone’s going to be into Stories. So make sure that you’re leveraging them, and you can use the same story for all the platforms out there, so it’ll just be more efficient for you.

The second trend, niche platforms are going to take off.

Look, Facebook’s big, Instagram’s big, they’ve dominated a lot of the social channels in the last few years. But platforms like TikTok are taking off at record rates for youth communities.

Business platforms like LinkedIn do really well for the B2B category, or the business world.

There’s all these niche platforms that are coming about. Some of them are old, some of them you heard about, but more people are really going into these niche communities.

Just like Pinterest is really good for interior decoration, and really good if you’re targeting the female demographics. So you need to look at these niche networks, and not just push them out and be like, oh, no one’s on Pinterest, it’s not that popular. It’s still a multibillion-dollar publicly traded company.

If you’re not paying attention to these niche channels, you’re not going to do well. And here’s the thing, if you already created content for one of them, you can repurpose that content and put it out everywhere, right? Just look at all the channels out there.

The third trend, there’s a new push for social commerce.

See, at my ad agency, we get a lot of people talking to us, being like, “I’m doing e-commerce, were doing really well “on Facebook ads and Instagram ads, “we want to now get into Google adverts.” This is the opposite, years ago it used to be people like, “I started with Google adverts, “now I want to figure out Facebook.” People are now starting with Facebook and social ads, because social commerce is so big when it comes to Instagram. There’s all these companies build off of Instagram and social media.

The fourth trend, augmented reality is going to be more prevalent.

Now, this stuff hasn’t taken off yet, but you see Snapchat really pushing hard on this, Facebook’s pushing hard on this, and although it’s not fully there, it’s going to become more and more popular in the future.

The fifth big trend is a rise of regulatory control.

Look, there’s so much privacy information that we’re all concerned about, you bet the government’s going to step in. So you need to be more careful with the data that you’re pushing out, what you’re collecting on people, because last thing you want to do is breach any of these rules. And it’s not just on a country by country basis, now in certain regions, like the United States, each state has their own rules when it comes to privacy.

The sixth trend, technology adoption will take off.

We’re now in a role where video is everything. Video is going to become more popular than text-based stuff, everyone’s going to want video-based content, because they have these mobile devices, and they have these broadband networks that are coming into place, where videos just happens so fast it’s just going to become the norm.

And that gets me into the seventh trend. Video content will dominate any other form of content.

If you have text-based content, you’ve already found on Facebook, doesn’t do as well as video-based. But it’s not just Facebook, all the other networks from LinkedIn to TikTok, to them wanting live video, this is all going to take off.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

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#SocialMedia #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing


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  1. Sup Neil, good content esp. regarding VR. Just a tip 😉 a bit more compression and normalisation on your audio track would be appreciated. The next autoplay video (not yours) nearly blew my eardrums out cos I had to turn yours up by so much lol <3

  2. Stack your content up by being what we call 'omnipresent' by using the same piece of content for different platforms at the same time, an example of this would be to video your podcast that way you can upload your audio and post a video to your Youtube or and other video platforms all at the same time. This is one I think is important to practice. It helps to get more done and be more consistent.

  3. Hi Neil, can I have your take on marketing on TikTok since it's on the rise globally? What types of mobile apps do you think would succeed in getting traffic from TikTok ads? thank you.

  4. Can you disclose how many people subscribed for paid UberSuggest? If the number of subscribers is very small then wouldn't it be wiser to make it free again and monetize it with adds and affiliates etc ?

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  6. Hey neil I’m new. In social media marketing I’m starting a ecomerce so you do recommend me. Courses and get knowledge of 2020. For facebook. Ads and Instagram and not. Going to. Watch courses from 2017 2018 etc Greats from Mexico I love you content!!

  7. Most of the subtitles are not visible as you kept both background and font colour are in white colour. This will not make any sense for the subtitle you are providing l. Kindly request you to change the font colour

  8. How to create a tools like aherfs, or moz or semrush ?

    Are they all are software tools how to make these type of tools and make millions of dollars?

    Because canava is valuing 3 billion dollars.

  9. Everything is going digital even every business will be digital so, I can say that BLOGGING, vlogging, content marketing, digital marketing is gonna big .

    We might see a billionaire in this field. What is your opinion?

  10. Hi Neil, I would like to run Facebook ads based on Keywords for Example when a user searches in Google my Ads in Facebook needs to be displayed is it possible? Or how relevant my Facebook ads will reaches to correct audience? in Detailed Targeting am unable to get the proper interests.

    Please Help us on this.

  11. I Have only one question Neil Sir, From where do you get such Updates such as EAT, BERT?
    I Just wonder sometimes no one knows this and you come explaining a New Algorithm🤯. How could?

  12. I really enjoyed this. Question: You talked about repurposing. I have a number of video's on my YouTube channel. I post them to FB. Are you saying post the same videos to multiple social network channels? Thanks

  13. Hey Neil , greatestful for you so much as you sharing great content with us. By the way i wanna make sure that if I pay other facebook pages to share or repost my video content rather than facebook ads , make more traction into my page or not ?

  14. Great video Neil, I managed multiple Facebook pages with hundreds of thousands of followers and video keeps being the #1 content tool that continues to over perform in all platforms. I would say it's important to experiment with your content on social media because what used to work in 2013-2017 does not longer work for growth.

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