Best Self Help Books – #1 Personal Development Path From Scarcity To Abundance Mindset

These self help books helped me shift my mindset to break free from being $50,000 in DEBT to making millions online. You can change your reality, too!

In additionto these best self help books I recommend you go through my post on the law of attraction as well:

Here is my video about the law of attraction too:

Here are the books with links to the versions that I recommend:

#1) Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill –
The Success System That Never Fails by W. Clement Stone –
Grow Rich With Peace Of Mind –

You were born Rich by Bob Proctor –

Science of getting Rich by Wallace Wattles –

Psycho cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz –

Prosperity consciousness by Frederick Lehrman –

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert –
The War of Art by Stephen Pressfield –

The 10x Rule by Grant Cardone –

Unlimited Power by Tony Robbins –
Awaken the Giant within by Tony Robbins –

The Millionaire Next Door by Stanley and Danko –

The 80/20 principle by Koch –

In this video you are going to learn my top 10 self help books that have helped me personally go from having a poverty consciousness to an abundance consciousness. I don’t care if you call it self-help or personal development. Ultimately these are the books that have helped me go from just one generation before. My father grew up on a farm in North Dakota. He had no running water. He had no electricity, he had no indoor plumbing. Again, in North Dakota too. Now one generation away, I’ve generated millions of dollars online and it’s not exactly the tactics that have been the change, right? It was changing the scripts that were playing up here in my head, changing the mindset that ultimately has done most of the heavy lifting because our external world is actually a reflection of what’s going on with this internal conversation. So how do you fix that internal conversation?

It’s these books right here.

For me personally, taking advantage of plugging in headphones and listening to audio while driving while commuting, while doing dishes, while making coffee in the morning while mowing the lawn, literally constantly feeding my brain with these types of books is ultimately how I’ve built the mindset that is kind of a creating the reality that I’m enjoying today. And that’s what I want to share with you. Um, on all of the old books, there’s a lot of reproductions of them. You always want to get the original version, the unabridged version, the one that no one else has fiddled with because publishing companies have remade and remastered books and, and they often take out parts that are key to understanding.

So number one, we’re going to jump right into it. It’s think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill. This is one that there is dozens of variations of in the description you’re gonna find links to all of these books. Some are affiliate links. I fully admit that and I get a kickback if you purchase through them, but that’s not why I’m doing this. But the one I’ve linked to on Napoleon hill is the absolute original untouched variation. I do believe it’s best to go through that first original version. Now a couple of these, I have some or options. Okay cause you may have read, think and grow rich. So thinking, grow rich is one or the success system that never fails. That’s w Clement stone. If you know about Napoleon Hill’s a path through life, he actually worked with a w Clement stone later in life. I like the success system that never fails because it focuses more on the system than it does on thinking, right?

Repetition is so key with everything in life. Most of these books, at least 75% of these books I’ve listened to at least two times or more, and the other ones I will absolutely listen to them. Again, repetition of these ideas into your conscious mind is how you implant your subconscious mind to really start to build a different reality for you.


What do you think?


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  1. Thank you for the books Miles, i just added most of them into my audible wishlist's. I finished "Think and grow rich" and moving on the next one…
    It's funny how the secret and inner intuition are so powerful and yet so underestimated by the majority of people (and not only them of course )… They are easy to comprehend but still so hard to implement because of the programming that we are used to have from our society … it really requires a lot of mental effort and discipline to adopt them in one's life.

  2. My list looks familiar. I started with The Richest Man in Babylon, though. That book lead me to Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill. I even started working for W Clement Stone's company here in Canada! I just finished The Science of Getting Rich. I wrote out the summary and read it morning and night. My book collection is my favorite possession! What is your favorite physical thing that you own?

  3. Morning Miles, finished the millionaire next door yesterday. Most interesting, especially considering my parents just bought my sister & family a ni-on new car and pony'ed up the insurance, yet managed to throw a mental when she tried going back to work. Talk about outpatient care!

    Made me laugh anyway.

    Thanks for covering these Miles, already into the next one.


  4. Just finished "The War of Art". Great book. But, the book that I feel is one of the most important about how your mind works, yet hardly anyone puts on their list of top books is "As a Man Thinketh", by James Allen. It was written in 1903, and is as relevant today as it ever was. It will help you understand your mindset and how your thoughts control everything you do and feel. If you haven't read it, you are missing out on a genuine mindset treasure. This is your first video I have watched, and I'm very impressed with your content and delivery. Keep up the good work.

  5. My favorite is "Think & Grow Rich." Andrew Carnegie, who commissioned with a letter of introduction for the young Neapolitan Hill to meet and study the top 500 Industrialist became successful during his era, such names as Thomas Edison, for twenty -years without monetary compensation was unheard of then and is probably still true today. But there is a success principle there.

    What Naploean gleened from studied these overachieving people long dead and forgotten is that;

    First, whatever the mind can Conceive, and BELIEVE, it can Achieve. Not too earthshattering, but often overlooked by most 'Fake Gurus" out there, even the ones with a Secret.

    One has to start with a definite major purpose.

    Second, they formed "Master Mind" groups that used the money and brains of others to work in harmony towards a defined goal or end in mind.

    Carnegie came via a ship from Scotland with seventy-five cents and became this country's first billionaire. He didn't even know how to manufacture and market steel, but he surrounded himself with those who did and got rich.

  6. These books are all great. I recommend The Values Factor and The Breakthrough experience by Dr John Demartini. Only valuable if you do the exercises. If you do them your perspective shifts dramatically in a matter of hours. I haven’t found anything as advanced as his Demartini Method.

  7. The only book I've never heard of prior to you is "Prosperity Consciousness" and I've heard you mention it about 7 times through your videos the past month lol It's now going on my audible. Thanks Miles

  8. Hey Miles, Thanks for the list of faves.
    So leave it to Miles "overachiever" Beckler to mention 14 books in his Top 10. Love ya brother.

    I can't believe that I read Awaken the Giant within about 25 years ago and was like, yeah-yeah, set goals, pain/pleasure blah blah blah… When I read it again about a year ago, it was palm to the forehead. I wanted to go kick my younger self's ass.

    Just a couple of classics that did not make your list (that I am sure you have already read) The Seven habits of Highly Effective people by Dr Stephen Covey and How to win friends and Influence people by Dale Carnagie.

    Right now I took your suggestion and I am reading Russell Brunson's Expert Secrets Thank you. Then I have Unlimited Power on standby.

    Hard to find an argument against Think and Grow Rich as #1. There are six on your list I have not read and look forward to diving into them.

    Thanks again Miles. You Rock!

  9. Great vid, thanks Miles! One challenge that I have when it comes to reading books is retaining the material. I remember very little of the books that I read. I highlight things that I feel are important when reading on my phone or Kindle (not an option with audiobooks) but I rarely go back to review all my notes (of which I have pages upon pages!). I could re-read or re-listen, but thinking about listening again to something like the 12-hr audiobook of psycho-cybernetics just feels so daunting. I'm curious if you have any tips or tricks that work for you.

  10. 2 weeks ago started doing the same, audiobooks all day long, dont like to read that much (yet)…
    start to see my thoughts going into right direction. thx miles u are the best👍

  11. Great list! I read half of them (but I always re-read napoleon ones because each time I discover something new). Gonna get the other half… I am reading the 80/20 now and man it's opened my eyes so much! I'm taking my time with it because on each page I'm trying to reflect on how I can apply this. A wonderful abundance mindset book that's honestly soo underrated I think you (and Melanie) would really enjoy is "a healthful pocket full of money" . This book was so different than the other law of attraction books, it's a spiritual book on how to create abundance by giving, adding value to others, and laws of the universe and it also goes deep into some metaphysical stuff (which is so cool!). Thank you for the video!

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