The Secret to Being Popular on YouTube

You create all this amazing content on YouTube but no one’s watching it. What should you do? Today I’m going to break down the secret to being popular on YouTube.

How I Rank #1 For Very Competitive Keywords on YouTube:
How To Go From Zero to 100,000 Subscribers on YouTube – YouTube Unlocked Course:

As you can see here, this is my YouTube analytics. This is my channel dashboard. You can see my subscriber count. How many subscribers I got in the last 28 days. You can see my rough views, 879,000 in the last 28 days. Watch time in hours 50,000. Revenue, I don’t monetize YouTube.

So, how do I do this? Well, if you look at the analytics you’ll see something here. I have 879,000 views in 28 days.

Then if you click See More, this ends up breaking down where I’m getting my traffic from. A lot of the traffic is actually from YouTube search which is the number one channel for me, which is 34.3%. External is a website and me emailing and I’m going to show you that in a little bit but I’m getting a lot of traffic from YouTube search. It’s generating a lot of hours in watch time and the duration of views and impressions isn’t bad. So, how do you get all this YouTube search traffic?

So, first off, when you’re creating YouTube videos you want to do keyword research. So, you can go to Ubersuggest and or and type in keywords that you want a ranking for.

So, here’s the example. Maybe I want traffic from the term Google Analytics. And when you’re on Ubersuggest it’ll tell you how many times that keyword is getting searched on a monthly basis. And, if you scroll into keyword ideas and click View All Keyword Ideas, you’ll get a list of keywords. And, these are the keywords that you want to include within your video and within your title and your descriptions.

One of the biggest keys is saying the keywords within your video. So, I say the word Google Analytics, I’m more likely to rank for Google Analytics. If I talk about Google Analytics Certification I’m more likely to rank for Google Certification.

So, of course, you need to create amazing content. Content should ideally be around 10 minutes, five to 10 minutes in length, and you want to do keyword research and include these keywords in your title, description. And that’s one important part.

But even if you do that, there’s one secret that will cause you to do really well and I’ll show it to you.

So, as you can see here on my YouTube channel I recently published a video on generating 355 back links. How to create the ideal blog homepage, how SEOs should use Google Analytics. Check out this email that I sent out to my email list. How to generate 355 back links, right? It was about that video.

Those, in essence, are the three videos I mentioned here. One, two and three, I mentioned in my email. That drove a lot of clicks and a lot of views. And, you can see the stats right here. Drove a lot of clicks and a lot of views.

I also send out push notifications every time that I release an email. If I talk about how to generate back links I’m getting clicks, like around 6,000.

Now, not all of these people actually click and watch the video, but they’re clicking to learn more and it’s up to them if they want to watch. And by doing this, what I’m doing is driving a ton of traffic to YouTube and ideally the day the video goes published.

So, within the first 24 hours. If in the first 24 hours, you can send out emails, push notifications, tell all your friends to view the video, the more you do within the first 24 hours, the way YouTube algorithm works is, any video that’s popular within 24 hours of its release, tends to rank better on YouTube.

It’s a really simple approach in which I’m promoting my videos really hard in the first 24 hours, and I’m continually creating videos on every topic out there to generate that traffic as well. So, use Ubersuggest to come up with the keyword ideas.

Again, you just type in keywords within Ubersuggest you’ll get tons ideas on content you could be creating. And then when you publish the content make sure you promote it. Whether it’s through push notification, email, your other social channels, telling your friends about it, Facebook messenger blasts, through tools like ManyChat or MobileMonkey. Doing this kind of stuff is what’s going to get you the results.

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#YouTube #VideoMarketing #DigitalMarketing


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  1. If I want to start a course(anything) which is particularly trending in YouTube.
    And If I got a better traffic generating & less S.D keyword.
    What if I am publishing those videos in chunks and using the keywords continuously in every single video because my course cannot be covered in a single video it have to be uploaded twice a week.
    But does using the same keyword trigger keyword canabalization in YouTube like using the same keyword in blogs

  2. I need this. Thanks a lot, Neil. I'm sad that you're not using Youtube as another revenue streamline. Correct me if I'm wrong? I'm just starting here on Youtube as a side hustle while freelancing now is has a tough condition and heavy condition. I need this keywords stuff.

  3. I just want to understand one thing.. u have more than 8.6 lakhs subscribrs to your channel. But why you got only 9000 plus views to this video? any specific reasons???✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋

  4. Hey! How to set up push notifications for YouTube? I know people can click the alert button to get alerts and stay up to date with videos, but Im not sure how to set up push notifications like yours. Thanks!

  5. Thanks for the tips. I am in the process of starting a Youtube channel to with my blog. Does having a blog have a significant impact on traffic on Youtube? I have post on many topics that will be on Youtube.

  6. Sir please make a video on what you shown on this video. Like how to create that email and notifications funnel for the YouTube videos which you send to people after uploading a videos within 24 hours

  7. What is the reason that you're not monetizing your Youtube channel? Isn't it a general rule of thumb that Youtube will push your videos out more if they are monetized?

  8. Hi Neil

    1) Do you apply any linkbuilding technique on your Youtube channel?

    I mean, earning links from other websites besides yours

    2) do you try earning embeds on other websites? Is there any benefit?

    Thanks for sharing

    Greetings from Caracas, Venezuela 😊

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