Microsoft Ads Tutorial: Complete Step-By-Step (NEW 2021 Interface!)

Watch behind my shoulder as I show you around the Microsoft Ads tutorial with the new 2021 interface.

This is their remake that they are planning on releasing hopefully in 2021 to everyone, so I want to show you around so you get an idea for where to find everything.

In this video I show you:

1. How to create a new campaign
2. How to set up conversion tracking
3. How to create audiences
4. General overview/lay of the land.

So let’s get into it!

1. How to create a new campaign

First of all, to see whether you have the new interface enabled or not, you can click on the little gear icon in the top right corner of your old interface and click on “Use the new interface” if you have that option (it should be the first one).

You should also see a little option at the bottom of the screen asking if you want to try the new interface.

If you select the option, you’ll be taken to the new Microsoft Ads 2021 interface and all of your campaigns will be available here.

To create a new campaign, simply click on the “Create new campaign” option and just fill in the blanks.

I have an entire course devoted to Microsoft Ads if you want more details on all the different options here, and you can check it out here:

👉 Microsoft Ads course:

But basically you’ll be going through the 3 campaign levels – the campaign level, ad group level, and the ad level.

Everything is 100% the same in terms of setup – the only difference is with the actual interface and the feel of it.

Once you create your campaign, you’re ready to move on to the next part of the Microsoft Ads tutorial!

2. How to set up conversion tracking

Setting up conversion tracking is extremely important – you must be able to tell whether you’re getting returns for your ad spend or not. And no Microsoft Ads tutorial would be complete without this part.

To do that, we have to set up the Microsoft Ads UET tag.

Simply click on “Tools” in the top portion of your interface and select “UET tag”.

Click on “Create new tag”, give it a name, and just paste the code given to you on every page of your website.

In our case, we’re using the Google Tag Manager, so we simply take our UET tag ID and paste it in.

Then, click on “Conversion goals” from the “Tools” option at the top of your interface once again, and enter the website you want to track as a conversion.

For example in our case we wanted to track how many people signed up to get my free guide at… so the URL we entered to track was “thank-you-download”.

In other words, as long as that part was in the URL that the person landed on, a conversion would be recorded in the Microsoft Ads conversions column.

3. How to set up audiences

If you want to do any sort of remarketing, you have to create audiences first.

Once again, click on “Tools” at the top of your screen and then click on “Audiences”.

You would do the exact same thing you did for the conversion tracking – enter the URL of the pages you want to count as audiences.

For example you can create a list of people who went to your home page but didn’t sign up; or people who went to your home page but not another page, and so on.

One of the most common audiences you can create is the cart abandoner audience.

These are people that initiated checkout but didn’t complete the purchase.

To use these audiences, you would then go to your campaigns and select the Audiences tab on the left-hand side.

You can then include and exclude audiences that you set up – as simple as that!

That’s pretty much it for this Microsoft Ads tutorial with the new 2021 interface.. but let’s quickly go over a few other options here.

4. General overview/lay of the land

So the interface looks pretty similar to the Google Ads interface.

You have all your tabs on the left-hand side, such as the campaigns, ad groups, ads, keywords and so on.

Then you have all your tools like the keyword planner, Microsoft Ads Editor, Microsoft Ads Intelligence tool, shared budgets, labels and so on.

I invite you to play around with these settings and just see what they do.

Most of them aren’t used often at all and just used occassionally once or twice.

And that’s it for this Microsoft Ads tutorial with the new 2021 interface!

Additional videos mentioned in this video:

👉 ClickMagick free 14-day trial:

👉 Complete Microsoft Ads Training Course:

👉 How to promote ClickBank products on Microsoft Ads:

👉 How to do affiliate marketing on Google Ads:

👉 How to do affiliate marketing on Facebook Ads:

👉 How to use the keyword planner tool to find winning keywords:

👉 ClickMagick overview:

👉 Like my Facebook page!


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  1. I've been doing Google Ads for 3 Months now and being doing Great. All of Sudden my Performance Dropped dramatically as if Google now Understands how much Money 💰 I am Making and wants to Change me more.

    I am starting on BING now. Do you guys suggest EXPORTING My Google Ads to BING or Start from Scratch with No Data so that BING don't take Advantage of Me?

    I have a maybe Ignorant Logic and Concern that BING's AI may Learn from my Google Success and starts Playing with me like Google did by Exporting, or am I being too worried and concerned? Thanks 🙂

  2. Hello Ivan, thank you so much for the excellent video. I have a client who needs a campaign in Spanish to Usa, but when I set up and I change the language the country change and don't let me create the campaign in Spanish, some idea how can I do?

  3. Thanks Ivan – In the video you mention that we can get a 30 day trial with ClickMagick via you, but when I click the link it says 14 days – is it still possible to get it for 30 days? Thanks.

  4. In microsoft advertising, I have created a normal Call Campaign, but after about 2 weeks, it has not received a single impression. I have spoken with many agents at Microsoft, but nobody knows what is the problem. I have 1 million people inside of my radius, I have a decent ad that has been inspected by many reps, I have removed all negative keywords, I have performed research on the popular positive keywords for this area and industry, and applied them, I have created a full ad with action extension, call extension, callout extension, although it never asked me for any photos I thought that was odd. I removed all demographic and age filters. What am I getting so wrong that not a single impression, click, or call can be received???

  5. Hey! Just came across your channel and subscribed! I really liked this video as I'm trying to master bing ads! Would you say clickmagick is a must when using bing? Or can you use another tracker if you have one? As I have another one I got a while back but not sure it has all the functions of clickmagick?

  6. Hi Ivan, love your channel man! I wanted to ask – in order to save the money on Unbounce (it's pretty expensive!) can one do landing pages in Wix or wordpress ? and is it possible to show a video with that? I mean $80-$120 is a lot for a beginner…

  7. Hi Ivan.Thanks for your great tutorial. I've just created a new Ms ads acc and seem like they block manual bidding strategy for new members. Could you please talk about how to use Enhance CPC for your ads campaign save and effectively on your next video?

  8. Thanks Ivan for the awesome tutorial on this new interface. I caught from the video that to split test landing pages, we can add separate landing page to an ad inside an ad group, basically by first duplicating an ad and using different landing page the duplicate ad.

    Is that correct or the recommended way to do it?

  9. I have the new interface, I don't like it, Guess I got used to the old one, need to get used to the new one. Great content as always Ivan, keep the good work I love your follow along videos! there's nothing like that that is even close 🙂

  10. Hello Ivan, Thanks so much for your video tutorial. It's really amazing. I have followed the steps just as you implemented through Google Tag Manager in the video, but the tag assistance notifies that the tag was not correctly inserted. What is your recommendation, please?

  11. Hey Ivan, Just happened across your channel a few days ago and I can only say WOW! Sad to say I had become accustomed to half-baked ads disguised as content on other channels. This is incredible. Have you had any inclinations to do a deep dive video into YouTube ads?

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