How to Make Money With ClickBank FAST In 2021 (Step-By-Step Tutorial for Beginners)

How to make money with ClickBank FAST in 2021? Watch behind my shoulder as I show you exactly how to do it in this step-by-step tutorial for beginners!

Table of contents:

0:00 – Introduction
1:16 – Results that you can achieve
2:02 – 2 ways to make money with ClickBank
3:29 – Select a ClickBank product
6:03 – Create a landing page
14:02 – Create a Microsoft Ads ad

Let’s get straight into this tutorial on how to make money with ClickBank FAST in 2021.

Part 1: Results that you can achieve

You can achieve limitless results with any strategy with ClickBank.

Right now I’m doing a lot of affiliate marketing for products I am actually currently using that offer recurring income, however on the side I also promote ClickBank products.

And in this video I show you that I made roughly $7,000 USD so far in the month of December with 6 days left.

This isn’t out of your reach either – once you get the hang of what I’m doing and apply the principles yourself, you’ll be making good money in no time yourself.

Part 2: 2 ways to make money with ClickBank

There are a million and 1 ways to make money online with ClickBank, but they usually fall under 2 “buckets” – the paid approach and the free approach.

The free approach takes longer and relies on SEO and for your content to show up at the top in search engines.

This is “free” in the sense that you’re not paying for any traffic, however you do have to constantly put the work in, create new articles, rely on SEO, and worst of all WAIT for it all to kick in.

I love this approach – but not as something I’d start with right away.

Instead, I like the paid approach because that can get me results instantly, and we all like instantly.

So what we’re going to do is create a landing page and promote it on Microsoft Ads, which is very friendly to new affiliates.

You can also try Facebook and Google Ads but you should definitely be more careful if using them.

Now that we have this, let’s quickly pick out a ClickBank product and get on with how to make money with ClickBank fast in 2021 tutorial.

Part 3: Select a ClickBank product

Head over to and select any product you like. I suggest starting with an offer that pays out $100+ in commissions and that’s in the health or wealth category as that’s where there is the most demand and so most amount of traffic that you’ll be getting.

Part 4: Create a landing page

Next we have to create a landing page. There are many reasons for doing so, but primarily so that we have more control over where we’ll be sending people to so we can make changes to the page if needed and create different page variations if it’ll be beneficial.

My favorite page builder is Unbounce for many reasons, primarily that they give you the most control over the page and you can put any element anywhere you like.

You can use any builder you like, but if you want to use Unbounce, definitely take advantage of my link which gives you a big discount:

👉 Unbounce free 14-day trial + 20% off for the first 3 months or a year:

I have an entire Unbounce playlist you can find at the bottom of the description, but in this video, we simply pick up a template, make some changes to it so it’s relevant to our offer, and use the URL to promote on Microsoft Ads.

And now let’s move on to the final part in this tutorial on how to make money online with ClickBank fast in 2021.

Part 5: Promote on Microsoft Ads

Head over to and create an account.

Then, click on “Create new campaign” and just fill in the blanks to create a new campaign.

Use the URL that you just created in Unbounce as your website URL and we can start sending traffic there.

We have to pick out some keywords, make tempting ad copies and voila! We have successfully set up our ads for our ClickBank product.

You do have to put up an upfront investment for every click, but this is one of the fastest and one of my favorite approaches on making money with ClickBank.

And this is how you make money with ClickBank fast in 2021!

Additional resources:

👉 Free 55-page affiliate marketing for beginners guide:

👉 Paid ad network courses:

👉 ClickBank case study – how to create and optimize a PROFITABLE campaign:

👉 How to create a 52.68% conversion rate landing page in Unbounce from scratch:

👉 Unbounce playlist:

👉 How to do affiliate marketing on Google Ads (with email optin):

👉 How to create a Microsoft Ads campaign with the new 2021 interface:

👉 How to use the Google Ads keyword planner:

👉 How to add a ClickBank trust badge:

👉 Like my Facebook page!


What do you think?


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  1. at the beginning you are showing your Clickbank account with earnings, but when you close it the other page comes appear and there is no earning. so you are just making us fool…go to hell Ivan mana

  2. I love the people teaching in these type videos use ad blockers, or duck duck go which also doesn’t track you, but the core business they run, operate and promote needs that tracking for their business. Lmao

  3. Thanks for your video. Have a question: Can i advertise on Facebook promoting products from Clickbank without my facebook account being suspended with the new data protection policies<<<<<

  4. Hi Ivan, I've been promoting ClickBank products in the last 03 months, I've created a website to promote these products and so far I have 2000 hops total, 120 forms printed but 0 sales. For one of the products that has a high gravity 223 , I have 50 forms printed and not a single sale. Is this right? Is it possible to have no sales at all? Today, I have also received a confirmation from a family member that bought one product on my affiliate link and I still didn't see any sales order confirmed. Is there something wrong with my account?

  5. Hi Iavan Very Nice Videos I am impressed.
    I just want to from you should i sign up new adwords account for affliate network with click bank.
    I Have one google which i use for my other business More than 1 & Half Years spending 1.2M Indian Ruppes .Its a very good account.
    I do google ads from past one & Half years and ddoing good business with weight loss products from india,
    But i am little worried about affliate marketing ,I think i may loose my present account also.
    So kindly give me the genuine advvice.Give me your genuine advice since i following your videos from past couple of days.
    do reply fast i am curious to market clickbank offer

  6. Hello Ivan

    In my case, I am following your advice.

    I have a landing page where I capture the lead, then send it to a thank you page where I "tell my story" and recommend the product I'm promoting.

    Also behind, I have an email marketing sequence of 12 emails to take them back to the producer's page.

    And finally, I try to segment the audience based on their interests to promote more products.

    What do you think? What could be improved?

    greetings from Argentina

  7. This is a really eye-opening video, Ivan. I really like how you have presented this topic. I always wanted to find an affiliate marketing platform that I can work with in my country. Your video comes at the right time and I have actually already opened my Clickback account and I'm ready to make money online.
    I can't wait to watch your next Video. I will be subscribing to your channel right now.

    Great work buddy

  8. Well, Ivan my mentor, I tried to take action with your teachings as you keep saying, and guess what. I got a dirty slap on the face for doing nothing wrong. I guess because I am in Africa I pose as a high-risk individual to other advertisers. …


    Hi Yaya,

    Based on our review, your account *****F1J has been closed. For privacy and security reasons, we cannot provide details around your specific account closure, but the most common reasons that require us to close Microsoft Advertising accounts include:

    The payment method on file was not authorized by the account owner.

    The account was accessed without authorization.

    The account is related to an account that was previously closed.

    The account was determined to be high-risk to other customers or advertisers, as stated in our Editorial Guidelines.

    As described in the Microsoft Advertising Terms and Conditions, we do not need to state a specific reason for account closure. Please know that we have taken this matter seriously and have thoroughly investigated the issue. This decision is final, and we consider the issue closed.


    Microsoft Advertising Support Team


  9. @IvanMana Thanks for t he video. Could you tell me if it is advisable to use a single domain/website to host landing pages such as this example? Or is it better to create a fitness domain for a product that is specific to weight loss. Thanks!

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