How to Promote MaxBounty Offers on Microsoft (Bing) Ads – Without a Website (2020)!

Watch behind my shoulder as I teach you how to promote MaxBounty products on Microsoft (Bing) ads without a website in 2020.

We go step-by-step and go through the entire process, so follow along with me!

Let’s quickly go through all the steps:

Step 1: Select Your MaxBounty product

I’m assuming you already have your MaxBounty account up and running, but if not, you can sign up for it here:


They are one of the easiest to get into, so just be honest, and you should have no issues getting approved.

You can select ANY product and this video will still apply and work for you.

However I enjoy promoting survey offers because I think it’s a good way for people to make additional income online, so in this video we went ahead and selected a survey offer.

Step 2: Set up tracking for your MaxBounty offer

So you selected your offer, but that is NO way to promote it on Bing successfully without a third-party tracking tool.

This is because:

a) You “can” use the affiliate link in the tracking template, but it MIGHT not get approved – so it’ll be a 50/50 lottery to see if your ads will be approved when you can just take the easy approach instead.

b) You absolutely have to set up sales tracking to be able to tell whether you made any sales or not. Without a third-party tracking tool, this is not possible.

So now that we determined why we need a tracker to promote MaxBounty products on Microsoft (Bing) Ads, we can get down to business.

The tracking tool I’ve been using for the past (almost) 4 years is ClickMagick.

I have an overview video showing you the lay of the land with them here:

👉 ClickMagick overview:

And I give you a free 14-day trial via my affiliate link if you haven’t signed up to them yet here:

👉 ClickMagick free 14-day trial:

But basically this allows us to create a “tracking link” which we can then use in the Microsoft (Bing) Ads tracking template so we can get credit for the sale.

I show you how to create a tracking link in my other video, but in short, you’re going to head over to the “Links” section in ClickMagick, and click on “Create New Link”.

Just fill in the blanks here – enter the name, link slug, and your affiliate URL.

The name is for your reference only, and the link slug won’t be seen by anyone at Microsoft (Bing) Ads – so you can make it for your reference here as well.

Enter your affiliate link in the “Primary URL” field and click on “Save link” – you’re done creating your link.

Now you just have to set up MaxBounty sales conversion tracking. I show you how to do that in this video, but if you are looking for a standalone video, I have that as well, so check it out here:

👉 How to set up MaxBounty + ClickMagick sales tracking:

After you set up sales tracking and finalize your tracking link, it’s time to move on to the final step in promoting our MaxBounty products on Microsoft (Bing) Ads!

Step 3: Create your Microsoft Ads

The last step in promoting our MaxBounty products on Microsoft (Bing) Ads is to actually create our ads!

I have a full comprehensive Microsoft (Bing) Ads training course that takes you from step A to Z in running profitable ads here:

👉 Complete Microsoft Ads Training Course:

But in this video, we just cover the bare essentials so that you can get started.

Basically, you’re just going to log into your account, click on “Create new campaign”, and fill in the blanks.

You’ll enter your campaign name, select the geographic locations, find your keywords, and then create your ads.

Not sure how to find good keywords?

I got you covered in this video as well:

👉 How to use the keyword planner tool to find winning keywords:

But once you do that and create your ads, you’re pretty much good to go. Just make sure that the ads match the theme of your ad groups and you should be in good shape.

Also remember to always split test so you can find out which keywords are the profitable ones.

And that’s how you promote MaxBounty products on Microsoft (Bing) Ads!

Additional videos mentioned in this video:

👉 ClickMagick free 14-day trial:

👉 Complete Microsoft Ads Training Course:

👉 How to promote ClickBank products on Microsoft Ads:

👉 How to do affiliate marketing on Google Ads:

👉 How to do affiliate marketing on Facebook Ads:

👉 What is a postback URL?:

👉 How to use the keyword planner tool to find winning keywords:

👉 ClickMagick overview:

👉 Tracking call unsuccessful overview:

👉 Like my Facebook page!


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  1. “Starting in March 2021 and continuing through April 2021, all existing search, shopping, and Dynamic Search Ads campaigns without any automated bidding strategies in place will be automatically migrated to Enhanced CPC. All ad groups and keywords will also be set to inherit bidding from their parent Campaign,”

    Given that manual cpc is not available anymore, and microsoft needs to use conversion data in order for enhanced cpc to be effective, how do we set up tracking so that microsft bing can receive the conversion data?

  2. every time I paste the affiliate link from Maxbounty into clickmagick into the Primary URL bar it sends me an error message that says – Link names must be between 4 and 32 characters and cannot include these special characters: & ; $ % @ " ' < > ( ) + ,
    . What do I do? I looked in your link when you pasted it and it had the add & sign and yet yours worked. What's wrong with my link?

  3. Hey Ivan I am not using clickmagix as it is very costly and I am underage to have a credit card. I have built a landing page where I have liked the maxbounty affiliate link to it. Now shall I put the landing page url in tracking template??
    Please help me out

  4. Ivan this is great. I have one question. I know your using this as an example but do you think promoting a product that is like 1.40 per lead, do you think its cost effective to run bing ads on products that are less than 10 dollars. Like the example you used do you think it can be profitable whats your recommendation on this type of thing?

  5. Thanks for another great video. I tend to use skags for each ad group. Is that not the best way to get the lowest CPC and make it highly rank over other ads? For example, I would do: +take +surveys +online, "take surveys online", and [take surveys online] So all three in one ad group. Thanks for any advice, sir.

  6. hey Ivan i followed the step by step up until creating the new campaign, but when i get to 'ad groups and keywords it doesn't allow me to enter the URL like it does for you, is this because it's a brand new account?

  7. i followed this tutorial and when i clicked on the clickmagick search to preview my link but in doing so it doesn't show me the offer im promoting but instead a spam looking fruit machine game comes up? is this because im in New Zealand promoting a U.S offer ?

  8. I've watched a LOT of Max bounty ad set up videos but this one is the clearest and easy to understand so far, it's great that you explain WHY something works better but also not over doing the explanation with unnecessary fluff. good work

  9. Wow Great video and very informative I have learned how to do the tracking. I am almost ready to start but I have a question. When signing up for max bounty it asks is this account for incentive traffic what does that mean

  10. Does the ad position really matter for a higher conversion rate if you are getting the desired amount of clicks from your ad being displayed on the 4th position on the bing search?…….Just wanted to know whether the ad position determines the quality of traffic you are getting. Because I got a 4% conversion when I was bidding high on the same keywords whereas usually, I was only getting a 1% conversion rate. So is there something logical in my conversion rates or is it just a matter of coincidence?…… Ivan, Can you please answer this If you find enough time

  11. Hi Evan, You do a great job by explaining even the slightest mistake that we can make while setting up the search ads. Keep up the good work…..and I have been following your videos and tutorials for a really long time and I must say your videos have a clear concept(and I love that)

  12. Hi Ivan. Love your content. I do have a question. With ClickBank and ClickMagick I do know how to setup things so I can see on ClickMagick when someone visited the order page but eventually didn't purchase the product. Is it also possible to do it with MaxBounty offers?

  13. You rock, Ivan! You are very transparent in your videos and don't leave any piece in solving the puzzle. I wish that you take things further and show us how to analyze data to make a campaign profitable. You may do a case study and make it in several parts as it will take several days to gather data, analyze and optimize the campaign.

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