How to Set Up Microsoft (Bing) Ads Conversion Tracking (Detailed 2021 Tutorial)

Want to learn how to set up Microsoft (Bing) Ads conversion tracking in 2021?

Watch this video to learn step-by-step how to set it up in detail.

Table of contents:

0:00 – Introduction
1:03 – How to set up the UET tag
6:30 – How to set up conversion tracking
12:16 – Where to see your conversions

Setting up conversion tracking can be extremely helpful since you will be able to see conversion data for every facet of your account – the keyword level, ad level, ad group level, ages, genders, etc…

This will help you identify the losers and winners so you can cut the losers and scale the winners.

Let’s see how you can do this and set up conversion tracking with Microsoft (Bing) Ads in 2021!

Part 1: How to set up the UET tag

A UET tag is a Microsoft Ads code that you would add to your website or funnel so that Microsoft can “communicate” with it and track the required conversions set by you.

To do this, simply head over to “Tools” and click on “UET tag”.

Follow the steps, create a new tag, and add that tag to the header of every page of your site.

If you have the option to add this code one time to every page of your site right away, you should do that.

If not, then no worries, and just go ahead and add the code to every individual page of your site.

I show you how to do just that with Unbounce and if you want to try this page builder, you can sign up for them using my link at:

👉 Unbounce free 14-day trial + 20% off first 3 months or a year:

Once you add this code to every page of your site, we are ready to move on the next part of this tutorial on how to set up conversion tracking with Microsoft (Bing) Ads in 2021!

Part 2: How to set up conversion tracking

Now that you added the code, all you have to do is choose which URLs you want to be your main “events”.

For example if you want to track how many people signed up to your list, you need to create a conversion with the thank you page as the main event page.

To do that, click on “Tools” at the top again and select “Conversions”.

Create a new conversion and follow the prompts.

You can choose destination URL for the first step and then say “URL contains” and enter the part of the URL you want to track.

So in our example we want to track how many people signed up and landed on the thank you page, so we’re going to name our conversion “sign-ups” and enter “thankyou” as the “URL contains” word.

So as soon as someone lands on this page that contains this “thankyou”, the conversion will fire and you will know exactly what contributed to it – which ad group, ad, gender, device, country, and so on.

The conversion time window is the time between which someone clicks on your ad and converts.

If you set it to 30 days for example, then if someone clicks on your ad today and buys 35 days later, NO conversions will be shown in your account.

If someone clicks on your ad today and buys 29 days later, you will see a conversion for that click.

The view-through conversion is somewhat similar.

If you set it to 1 day, then if someone sees your ad today and buys within 24 hours, then you’ll see a conversion for that ad even though it wasn’t even clicked on.

Lastly, select the UET tag you created earlier and hit save.

That’s it for setting up our conversion tracking with Microsoft (Bing) Ads in 2021!

You can also check to make sure you added the UET correctly by downloading the Microsoft Ads UET Tag Helper extension or just manually checking the website to see if it contains your code.

Part 3: Where to see your conversions

If you haven’t already done so, make sure to click on the “columns” button in your account and add “conversions”.

This is what will allow you to see all the conversions that took place in your account.

Again, you can do this at any level of your account – keyword, ad, ad group, campaign, gender, location, etc…

You can also add other columns such as the CPA, Revenue per conversion, and so on. Also add “All conversions” so you can see conversion that you don’t want to show up in just your “conversions” column.

And this is how you set up conversion tracking with Microsoft (Bing) Ads in 2021!

Additional resources:

👉 Free 55-page affiliate marketing for beginners guide:

👉 Take some of my courses:

👉 How to create a Microsoft Ads campaign in 2021:

👉 Microsoft Ads playlist:

👉 Unbounce free 14-day trial + 20% off first 3 months or a year:

👉 Unbounce playlist:

👉 How to set up Google Ads conversion tracking:

👉 Easiest way (by far) to make money with ClickBank:

👉 Like my Facebook page!


What do you think?


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  1. Thank you so very much for the video! Do you by any chance know how to set up Bing UET Tag in Iframes? we don't have a thank you page, just a pop up window ( in unbounce), and I am trying to figure out if it's possible to install UET tag there or not.

  2. Hi Ivan as always you're doing great job thanks
    how about if I don't have a thank you page, do I have to count as conversion only for landing(from my ads) on my landing page?

  3. Hell yea, TRACKING IS KING! Once again, a no-fluff, binga-Banga-BOOM guide that get's you in and out with the info you need without extra bullshit. God-tier free content, well done!

  4. Hello Ivan, i have heard clickmagick is currently working to a new feature that will help advertisers track conversions to help the ios 14 update, is it true?

  5. Hi Ivan , in one of your videos you said affiliate marketing is very volatile , is this means that considering it as the main source of income is risky and things can change over night whether in terms of ads policies or something else ?

    I understand hat you've been doing this for over 4 years and you've seen a lot of trends so what do you think ?

  6. Do you find this equal to using a paid service like Clickmagick? Also, ease of use and implementation vs Clickmagick, and data points gathered vs Clickmagick? It seems like a great, free alternative.

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