How to Build An Email List From Scratch – Free Software

Building an email list is one of the most important parts of your digital business success. Not all email building strategies are created equal though. You need a strategy that will grow your email list quickly with people who actually want to buy your products or services. Copy this proven strategy for consistent list growth.

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Table of Contents:
0:00 – Intro
1:21 – Lead Magnet
6:57 – Landing Page
12:26 – Promotion
15:10 – Outro

How to Build An Email List From Scratch – Free Software

This is a video most people are looking for and that is how to build an email list fast!

In this email list building growth guide, you’re going to learn how to build an email list from scratch with this email list growth plan we’ll be sharing with you.

Every business needs to have their own email list building strategies as this is one of the most important online marketing strategies you need to have. This is because email marketing is still the most effective way to build trust and relationship with your audience and leads.

Of course, when learning how to build an email list fast you also need a good email marketing software that’s very easy and convenient to use. So if you don’t have one, we highly recommend you check out MailerLite as your email autoresponder. This is one of the best email list software out there, and one which we actually use.

In this email list building tips video, we are going to use three simple steps in growing your email list and these are your Lead Magnet, your Landing Page, and some form of Promotion.

The first thing you need in your list building strategies is your traffic source – your lead generation funnel. So we’re going to talk about using content marketing, community group engagement, and of course, advertising as a way to get people to your landing page.

Your landing page is the second step in this list building process. This is the page where you’re going to collect your prospect’s contact information.

Lastly, your lead magnet is the battery that powers this entire how to build an email list process. All that a lead magnet is something of value you offer in exchange for someone’s contact information. Now, your lead magnet can be in a form of a PDF guide, video, podcast, ebook, or a tool.

Also, it is very important to remember that the better your lead magnet, the better this entire process is going to be. So you need to offer something that is VALUABLE to give your prospects a reason to give their contact information.

We will be starting back from your lead magnet to front with your promotions in this email marketing 2020 tutorial. Now, watch this video to give you some ideas on how to build an email list, and of course, if you’re just starting an email list then this is a great video to start with.
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Disclaimer: Please note that all recommendations & links are affiliate promotions.


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  1. Hey Jason. If I get some local clients, and they don't have an email software or an email list or auto responder, or even if they have a list and software and I would like them to use MailerLite, how should I go about this? Should I make each client sign up for a MailerLite account from your link, or should I just sign up myself and build their email lists and email marketing from my account?? I'm confused about email marketing and softwares or CrMs. I still don't know much about email marketing/softwares. I hope you could give me some help here.

  2. Jason, I have found your tips very useful! I have followed your advice from many of your previous videos and already made a pdf lead magnet, made 2-3 landing pages with mailerlite and things are finally rolling! I just wanted to say thanks, you are awesome!

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