ClickMagick: How to Create a Rotator

Learn how to create a ClickMagick rotator in under 8 minutes in this video.

Follow along with me as we go through the entire process from start to finish in creating our ClickMagick rotator.

The first thing you have to do is go to the Rotators tab in your account.

From there, click on “Create New Rotator”, and we’ll just be filling in the blanks here.

1. First you have to enter the group name.

If you go to Tools and then Group Manager, you will be able to create a whole new rotator or tracking link group.

Once you do that, you will be able to select that group for your ClickMagick rotator.

This really isn’t needed and you don’t *need* to have a group – but it helps you stay organized, especially for later on when you have many different links/rotators set up.

2. Next you have to enter the rotator name.

Once again, this is just for your reference and no one will see this name that you add, so make it something that you can refer to later on.

There is a limit to the name, so you can’t make it super long, and you also can’t include special characters such as dashes, hyphens, and so on. Other than that, let’s move on to the next step.

3. Now you can select the domain you want to use for your link.

If you haven’t set up your custom tracking domain yet, check out that video here to learn how to:


Basically instead of the generic link that you have, you would be using the custom tracking domain that you buy and set up instead.

This is useful especially if you are sharing this on social media as people will see your link, so make sure your ClickMagick rotator link looks presentable!

4. Next you have to enter the link slug.

This is word that’s 4-20 characters long and can contain letters and/or numbers.

This link slug will be seen by others if you are sharing the link with them, so make sure it’s also presentable.

But mainly this is for your reference and to let people know what the link is about when clicking on it.

5. Next you have the ClickMagick rotator modes.

There are 4 modes here and you’re encouraged to click the little question mark to learn more about each of them.

They are:

a. Fullfillment: every new person clicking on your rotator link will land on the very first rotator URL until the maximum number of clicks for that first URL has been reached.

b. Spillover: every person that clicks on your rotator link will go to the first URL, and the 2nd time they click will be to the 2nd URL, then the 3rd, and so on. Every new person after that will still land on the first URL, and keep going down the list.

c. Random: every person that clicks on your rotator link will go to a random URL.

d. Sequential: every person that clicks on your rotator link will go down the list sequentially of your URLs. The first person will go to URL 1, the 2nd person will go to URL 2, and so on.

Select the mode that makes the most sense for you, and you can always change it later on.

We are pretty much done in creating our ClickMagick rotator. One more item to go!

6. Last but not least, we have the backup URL.

If your URLs reached the maximum number of clicks and have nowhere else to go, the backup URL comes into play as that’s where all the “excess” clicks will go to, whether it’s through geotargeting, or just an excess of clicks.

Once you enter this URL here, that’s pretty much for ClickMagick rotators.

Now you have to click on the wrench icon and add the individual URLs you want to be included in this “container” rotator link.

You would simply enter the URL that you want people to be rotated to and that’s it – repeat the process as many times as necessary until all the URLs have been exhausted.

You can also take a look at all the different tabs available within the ClickMagick rotator URL and the rotator link.

You have options such as adding pixels to your links, setting up geotargeting, and managing your “bad” clicks, such as bot clicks or abuser clicks.

Once you set up the URLs as well, navigate to the “URL” tab and make sure to set the max number of clicks, max T1 clicks, min clicks, and so on…

If you are not sure what some of those options mean, just click on the little question mark icon to learn more about it.

But if you open your rotator link, that is the link you would be using to send traffic to that will rotate all the different ClickMagick rotator URLs that you added.

That’s it!

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  1. Thanks Ivan for your valuable sharing. May I ask if we need to mask the link before we put in the rotator? I assume we do not need as the rotator function is already a masking function.

  2. I have a question and hope you can help! I have a telegram group, and want to create a rotator with all the member's affiliate links. But the catch is, I don't want people to abuse the rotator and send multiple requests for their multiple affiliate ID. Is there anyway you can think of that would let me ensure that each member will only have one link in the rotator? Thanks!

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