Not Seeing the "Manual Bid" Option In Microsoft Ads? Here Are 3 Things You Can Do…

Not seeing the manual bid option in Microsoft Ads?

In this video I show you the 3 things you can do if you aren’t seeing it.

Table of contents:

0:00 – Introduction
0:30 – Option 1
1:31 – Option 2
2:56 – Option 3

Option 1:

The first thing you can do is contact Microsoft Ads support.

I haven’t personally tried it but I know from the comments I’ve been getting that it’s been working for some people.

So reach out to them via live chat or phone call and just tell them that you don’t have the manual CPC bidding option but would like to have it as you know what you’re doing and you’re following training that guides you.

They are slowly trying to get rid of this option to get everyone acquianted with Microsoft Ads machine learning, which earns Microsoft Ads more money unless you feed it a lot of conversion data.

I don’t know if or how long this option will stay available, so take advantage of it now while you can.

If more support requests like these come in, Microsoft Ads might either re-add the manual bidding option or on the contrary get rid of it entirely so that even if you do contact support, you won’t be able to reach out to them.

Let’s move on the next option you can do use if you’re not seeing the manual CPC bidding option in your Microsoft Ads account.

Option 2:

While you contact support and wait for what they say, you can use an alternative to the manual CPC option.

And that is the Enhanced CPC option.

This is similar to the manual bid one, the only difference being that you will sometimes pay MORE than your specified bid if Microsoft deems that you will get more clicks.

You can however set the maximum bid for each individual keyword and ad group, so this is a good alternative, and if you set a slightly lower bid than what you’re willing to pay, this could be a good alternative for you.

Option 3:

Lastly, if you’re tight on budget and want to make sure you never pay above your specified bid, you can use the maximize clicks option.

Just make sure that you set the maximum click amount and don’t just leave it at “maximize clicks” because then Microsoft will indeed try to get as many clicks to your site as fast as possible, and that can get pretty expensive.

I don’t like this option because although you set the maximum bid and don’t overpay, you can’t change the individual keyword and ad group bids.

So you’re stuck with the one maximum cost per click you’re willing to pay and can’t budge from there.

But these are your 3 options if you don’t see the manual CPC bidding option in your Microsoft Ads account!

Additional resources:

👉 Free 55-page affiliate marketing for beginners guide:

👉 Paid ad network courses:

👉 Easiest way (by far) to make money with ClickBank:

👉 How to make money online with a review website:

👉 Like my Facebook page!


What do you think?


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  1. Thanks, a lot of value in just 5 minutes… finally someone who is not stretching it because of watchtime…. I am tired of all that 10 minutes videos.. Thanks again.

  2. Hey Ivan, I got 22 clicks on Microsoft ads and Click magic said it’s only 14, unfortunately I didn’t make any sale yet, but the fact that I didn’t get accredited on the 8 clicks that I lost really pissing me off:/, any advice?

  3. Wow
    The Best detail video on YouTube that explains everything I need to know on this topic.
    Thanks alot………
    I just made a YouTube channel so I'm definitely doing my research.

    Thanks for all your help.. Please keep it up! I just subbed.

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