How To Build Paid Campaigns On YouTube, Etsy & Instagram – Module 4 – Part 2 – eCommerce Unlocked

Today, we’re going to be talking about additional marketing channels. The ones outside of Facebook Ads, Google Ads, or even Bing Ads. They’re all great and we cover those in our previous lesson. But today, we’re going to be covering other marketing channels.

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And one of your highest converting marketing channels, if not your highest marketing converting channel, is going to be email. Your email funnel and your workflow is going to be complex over time, but you don’t need to worry about this in the beginning. We’re going to start you off really simple. And over time, you can continually add to your email sequence your flows.

The easiest wins with email are cart abandonment. Someone going to your checkout page and not buying, getting them back in, in essence, getting them to buy. Typically, you can get a 10% win there.

Another easy win is just bringing people back to your website. Who are the people that have bought from you three, four, five months ago and haven’t come back? Getting those people to come back is another easy win.

And, of course, there’s customer nurturing, as well. Continually educating, helping them out, so that way you build brand loyalty and you can get them to come back.

There’s a lot of best email practices. I can keep going on and on with lists and lists. But I’m going to point out a few.

The first is don’t use no-reply in your email address. Make it a person or make it something related to your company name. Heck, you can even do support. But, typically, if it’s a person, that’s even better or a mascot.

And try to send your emails in the morning. That tends to produce better open rates.

And, of course, personalize your subject line, as well as your email with their name. That also helps, as well.

And on top of sending emails out there, you want to make sure you have a strong top of funnel. That’s where you’re driving people to your site. So make sure your create your YouTube Ad campaign, get started. And when you’re setting things up, you know, pick your products that you want to advertise, but there’s something that you need to be really important of, you want to make sure the placement of these ads are in good areas. Areas and channels that you would approve of versus something that doesn’t go with your message.

But with YouTube, it’s another alternative channel, has tons of engagement, and you can also start going one level deeper and doing Gmail Ads, as well, on top of YouTube. But trial all the channels that Google has to offer, because they are effective and they can drive quite a bit of sales.

And make sure you’re going after Instagram Ads, as well. There’s many options for Instagram. Even if you don’t have ad money, you can put links within your bio. Or you can end up putting @ signs and linking to your other profiles for specific products, or other ecommerce brands, if it’s your personal profile.

A lot of times, what I like using Bitly links, because I can send people to recipes or deals, or even a whitepaper, if you’re in B2B. It’s all super effective for lead generation.

And, of course, there’s Etsy. Setting up ads is easy. You click on, click on the Account icon, then go to Shop Manager. Then click on Marketing, then click Advertising. Set your daily budgets. And then you just click Start advertising.

And I know I went through that pretty quickly, but that’s because we have a whole resource on this that teach you how to do everything step-by-step, at or lesson two. I want you, no matter what platform you’re using, to run tests. And you can do this through Crazy Egg.

You want to optimize your landing pages, your sites, because if you optimize your landing pages and sites, what you’ll find is instead of 100, or one out of every 100 people converting, maybe you can get two out of every 100. That’s double the sales, doesn’t seem like a big number, but through A/B testing you can increase your sales. And tools like Crazy Egg will walk you through how to do that step-by-step.

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