Who Wrote it Best? Pro Blogger VS A.I. Showdown

We had a lot of fun running this test to get a solid comparison of the pros and cons of using A.I. as a tool for writing articles. Check out the articles linked below and let us know which one you think wins!

A.I. Written Article: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iAiJqoHyLT2c1nYehew8vgjl-LajJPvqukcgKoY7lq0/edit?usp=sharing

Human Written Article: https://terraintreaders.com/exactly-when-to-get-the-best-deal-on-any-atv/


A.I. detector mentioned in the video: https://originality.ai/

0:00 The showdown
1:52 Time comparison
4:07 Reader experience
5:45 Search intent
8:40 Our previous A.I. test
9:12 Depth of content
11:51 A.I. detector test
14:08 Find the subtle differences

Have a question or idea for a video? Or maybe you want your site or a specific article reviewed. Let me know here: https://forms.office.com/r/9VYNvRUzaN

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What do you think?


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  1. Hi! New to the channel and love it 🙂

    In a previous episode about link building you mentioned that it might be better to use the time to create more articles rather than spenning time reaching out to lots if other pages asking them to link to your site.

    Is it not better to generate more articles using ai rather than writing it your selves?

  2. After watching your videos, I've resurrected my blog, which hadn't been updated in 11 years. I just started it over and now have 26 posts in 26 days. It's about Real Estate Investing, and I am an actual investor. I use your recommendations for finding topics, but then I don't do any research on the topic. I just write about the topic based on my experience, and never look at what the my competitors write.
    So far, I have assumed that google will know what it's about without me using specific phrases or keywords.
    Should I write the content with SEO in mind? Or with the competition in mind?

  3. I hired a content writer to write a blog post. He did a terrible job in writing it. Then I used ChatGpt to write the same article. ChatGpt came up with a great article. The article was more engaging and provided a lot of value compared to the content writer. Now you decide whether I should hire the content writer or use ChatGpt?

  4. Definitely interesting to see how you guys approached this one. It's neat to see what a free AI tool with really basic prompts can create in comparison to a professionally written article. Clearly Ricky's article beats the brakes off of this one of course haha but I wonder how well you could get a chatgpt article to write this with more effective/targeted prompts or stacked up against something like zimmwriter. Anybody in the AI content generation space will agree the best pieces of AI content are heavily influenced with excellent prompts and then edited by a human over the top with some added in voice and experience to polish it off, essentially making it "hybrid" content. Doing it this way with editing and everything can take anywhere from 20-45 minutes from start to finish assuming you don't have to go research a bunch. And are only adding in first hand expertise. Either way, love the video guys

  5. Well, I heard that content writing blogging may go away all together and be replaced by video? I do not believe this, but? As for AI blog post? Yes it's a great tool to help you write a 1500 word post, but it will not replace keyword search or details on the blog posts.

  6. If people start using AI to replace Google searches (as I've heard from a few people that they are now only using ChatGPT instead of Google), then there will be less incentive to create new content since you can't get referenced/backlinks and traffic. So in the end there will be less content to feed the AI in the first place 🧐

  7. Blog writing services are about to be a thing of the past or will operate at a highly reduced rate. I've been testing this powerful tech and reviewing AI detectors and the results are amazing.
    Content, SEO and relevancy are still king, but easy enough to learn with practice. AI is going to change the way the world and the internet work for creators. And remember, this will be 10x better in less than a year. Game changer, 100 percent.
    Jim seems to have seen this massive change coming and moved-on at the right time. Everything is evolving at record rates now.

  8. I think people will still use search engines because they can access directly to website, plain AI info is very boring and if you deliver a nice website which helpful for searchers with providing a lot tools in it they will look first to your website .

  9. Thanks for the video! I started using chatGPT and it enhances my process in so many ways! Most people just use it wrong. I edit a lot what it gives me and add that personal touch you mentioned to make it sound more like me. I also taught it my writing style so it writes more like me now. It especially helps me with titles and conclusions and ideas when I feel stuck. And thanks for mentioning their checking tool, haven't heard about it yet! I just tested one of the articles I wrote with AI and it says 'very unlikely AI-generated". It feels like a validation that I'm doing it right haha

  10. Not to mention that the way we use SEO right now is going bye-bye fast! With Google and Microsoft pushing AI search engines, you need to rethink your SEO completely. Search engines, even AI-driven ones, still need up-to-date content to scan and give answers to the questions being asked. If I had to guess, I would say concise, to-the-point, factual articles with sources written by specific niche sites will become more relevant than super-long anchor posts filled with fluff on unrelated sites that cover a broad spectrum of topics.

  11. Here's the issue. Google has come out publicly and stated that AI generated content does not get flagged as a negative for SEO, as long as it is still quality content. It all depends on the prompts you use with chat gpt to get a proper outline for an article you want. Then using the outine with chat gpt. Then using a program like Grammerly to quickly go through and help the article sound more fluid, personalized and human written. I produce 3k word articles in about 25 minutes using GPT that pass all ai tests, which doesn't even matter, plus outranks any of the old articles I did or even paid professionals to write. Bottom line guys, If you're not taking advantage of the new technology to help grow your blogging or copywriting business. You're gonna be left in the dust! Because I guarantee your competitors are using it!

  12. Ricky if you would have learned to use ChatGPT, how to prompt it and reprompt, it would have written an article that would have been better and longer than yous.
    AI is not going to write the whole article for you. You should first ask it to create the article outline and reprompt it until you have a complete outline and then ask it to fill in each section. Then ad a little humor here and there and it would have still ben complete in half the time you took. The comparison here was not a fair comparison. Bring someone on who knows how to use ChatGPT and see how well you do against it.

  13. AI is a site to be used on Google but right now, it's just a website to kind of help you write something. I tried to use it making my site but it didn't really help at all.

  14. my takeaways from this is to not neglect ai completely. But to use it for the correct type of article. Articles with a more set/statistical answer would be more suited for AI. However, i dont think i could let it write the whole thing, maybe a quarter or half the article and then ill add my own content, if something becomes too easy everyone will do it. I dont want my skills to be held back in a few years when everyone uses this tool

  15. To write a good article using AI it is all about the prompts you use. We have AI generated content pass the AI detectors at 100% human generated.

    The prompts can’t just be commands. You need to ask AI if it understands what you want from the prompt.

    You need to add in prompts for tonality, voice, cadence, etc.

    You can also have AI learn your writing style.

    This is just the beginning of what AI is capable of.

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